Discussion today 1) Inder had suggestions for the document - he agreed to accept all changes to v3, then edit it and make it v4. He will send to the list by Friday. Tomohiro will divide by sections and put on google docs so sections can be edited individually by multiple people 2) Tomohiro agreed to contact Joan about interaction betweeen agents. He will work with Joan next week to try to get a strawman for section 6 and to have slides for OGF about it 3) We talked about how to discuss protocol implementation from this architecture. The question in my mind was how strong to be about the possibilty of implementing the architecture with RSVP in addition to WS. We agreed to talk about this more at OGF. 4. We discussed where description of related standards belongs. Tomohiro suggested moving section 2.2 (stds description) to end of sect. 4. Inder thought it would be good to have it near the front. Something more to talk about at OGF 5. We discussed the list of terms in section 4. There was some confusion about names, particularly (I think) between a network resource and a network, and between a network resource and a transport resource. I agreed to create a set of slides with names, concepts and real world examples. Probably the real world examples are not appropriate for std but will be helpful in understanding the concepts. 6. Tomohiro will contact Sebastian about section 7.? -- also to see if he can create diagrams that don't take as much storage space - the doc is huge, I think a lot of that is these diagrams. 7. We discussed having a section on starting a protocol recommendation at Banff. Inder, Tomohiro and Guy will discuss offline. I have some thoughts about how the IDC protocol Internet2 and ESNet and others use needs to be tweaked to be able to support the architecture we are describing. 8. We will have a call next Wed at the regular time for anyone who can attend. Any comments/ corrections/ additions? John