Jerry Sobieski (NORDUnet)
Tomohiro Kudoh (AIST)
Henrik Thostrup Jensen (NORDUnet)
Jeroen van der Ham (UvA)
Redek Krzywania (PSNC)
Michal Balcerkiewicz (PSNC)
John MacAuley (SURFnet)
Demo presentation at Venue
- We have 5 monitors and desks in the demo space at the art museum.
We have a 90 minute formal demonstration presentation window Tuesday
from 3:45pm to 5:15pm. The rest of the time we expect to have
access to the demo room for continued testing.
***AI: Jerry: Confirm with RNP that the room will be available Wed
and Thu after the window as well as leading up to the demonstration
- The implementation teams are asked to continue interop testing and
to capture log files as they run the Plugfest Challenge tests.
These log files can be annotated to show the protocol messaging.
And these annotated logs can be presented at the venue in the demo
room in addition to the live runs, and/or as part of a short PPT
from each implementation team.
- We want to make sure we have as many live runs prepared for the
demo window as is practical. But we do not expect all the
Challenges to be ready or to be presented live. The anotated logs
can be used to complement the live runs. We can allocate monitors
as appropriate for the tests scenarios.
NSA Implementation Status
I hope I summarized this close enough...
- OpenNSA (NORDUnet - Henrik)
- mostly all functional, self interoperable (Chal #1 works)
- encountering many interoperability issues within the MTL (WS*
related issues)
- some testing with dynamicKL, but encountered some SOAP issues
not sure how to resolve.
- Need some input from JM.
- AutoBAHN
- FUnctional, have had some issue in an office move(?)
- Expect to begin interop testing very soon
- Need updated topology
- No WS issues experienced with dynKL
- Almost ready for interop test...
- some testing with G-LAMBDA KDDI Labs
- authentication is an outstanding issue
- John is coding like a mad man.
*** Decided: For Rio, we will not require session authentication
between NSAs. HTTP only.
For SC we *will require* conformant authentication, HTTPS.
*** For Rio, service authorization will be basic user based
The user will be "". Case in-sensitive.
This string my be authorized by the NSA however they wish, but all
requests as part of the Plugfest will use this user credential.
If the user is present, any/all service requests will be
authorized. If not present, or any other user is present, service
requests will be denied.
The current topology is the Rio Ring of 7 networks. Version 1.1c is
latest. However, JM has proposed a modified topology to include
"partOf" relations for STPs to indicate the NSnetwork object they
belong to, and "managing" relation for NSA object to indicate which
NSnetwork object they are responsible for. This version also uses
full URN specification to name NSnetowork objects and STP objects.
***AI: Jerry: JS will review the topo file asap and if no other
issue are obvious, it will be circulated as topo version 1.1d.
On 9/7/11 10:38 AM, Tomohiro Kudoh wrote:
This is a resending of test message:
Since the OGF NSI-WG mailing list is down, I made a temporary mailing
list. Addresses on the Jerry's contact list are registered as well as
Guy and Jeroen.