Hello All,


This is a reminder that there will be a workshop on Open Flow and SDN at OGF Chicago.  The goal is to explore compatibility between Open Flow and the NSI/NML working groups.


Details are as follows:


OpenFlow and SDN workshop @ OGF36

Location: Comiskey room, Hyatt Regency Chicago, 151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601

Time: 10:30 – 12:00, Monday, 8th October 2012


The provisional agenda is as follows:

•       Ping Pan (Infinera) to present on “Supporting SDN in Transport Networks” title tbc.

•       Joan A. Garcia-Espin (I2Cat) “Open Flow in GN3 JRA2” title tbc.

•       Miyamoto-san (KDDI R&D Labs) to present on "The relationship between OpenFlow and Switching Service" title tbc.

•       Jeroen van der Ham (University of Amsterdam) present on "Progress in the NML-WG and application to Open Flow and SDN" title tbc.

•       Chin Guok (ESnet) to give presentation on " ESnet's use of Open Flow in for enabling science flows " title tbc.

•       20 minute panel discussion.


I look forward to seeing you there.







Guy Roberts PhD

Senior Transport Network Architect


Cambridge, UK

+44 1223 371316


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