Thought I might bump this back up since we never closed on the idea of a synchronous response for the query summary operation.

Begin forwarded message:

From: John MacAuley <>
Subject: Re: [Nsi-wg] Query request
Date: 1 November, 2012 8:31:36 AM EDT
To: Henrik Thostrup Jensen <>
Cc: NSI Working Group <>

The reason we put in the clause was for those applications that did not want to wait around for a v1 provision response.  Obviously, it could be used for all other operations except query.  Still a useful feature, just doesn't provide 100% coverage :-)

So the new query behaviour would be if (query.rq && query.operation == Summary && header.replyTo == null) then perform a synchronous request, otherwise, perform an asynchronous request.


On 2012-11-01, at 6:22 AM, Henrik Thostrup Jensen <> wrote:

On Wed, 31 Oct 2012, michalb wrote:

"If no endpoint value is provided in a operation request, then it is assumed the requester is not interested in a response and will use alternative mechanism to determine the result."

So for some GUI purposes which surely will be behind firewall/NAT, I reserve, provison, etc with no 'replyTo' provided and now I'd like to "use alternative mechanism to determine the result" (which is query) and because query is async only the whole thing gets defeated. Would be nice to have a simple query that returns basic query result so the feature of not setting 'replyTo' would have more sense.

Wauv; that is silly. Very good find though.

+1 for making summary query synchronous as John suggested (this would of course mean that we are making the protocol more practical to use, which is a somewhat new thing is this group :=) ).

  Best regards, Henrik

Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at>
Software Developer, NORDUnet

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