Hello All,


I am planning to submit the following document as the NSF document:



The document requires an author list in the header, I propose the following list of names:


Guy Roberts

Tomohiro Kudoh

Inder Monga

Jerry Sobieski

John Vollbrecht


Please be aware  that the following full list of contributors is also included at the end of the document:


Joan A. García-Espín, I2CAT

Chin Guok, ESNET

Radek Krzywania, PSNC

Tomohiro Kudoh, AIST

John MacAuley, SURFnet

Takahiro Miyamoto, KDDI R&D Laboratories

Inder Monga, ESnet

Guy Roberts, DANTE

Jerry Sobieski, NORDUnet

Sebastien Soudan, Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallèlisme

John Vollbrecht, Internet2

Freek Dijkstra, SARA

Jeroen van der Ham, University of Amsterdam



Please let me know if you would like to make any changes to these lists.








      **       Guy Roberts, PhD     Network Engineering & Planning

    *    *                          Tel:    +44 (0)1223 371300

   *      *    City House           Direct: +44 (0)1223 371316

   *           126-130 Hills Road   Fax:    +44 (0)1223 371371

  *            Cambridge

  *            CB2 1PQ              E-mail: guy.roberts@dante.net

  D A N T E    United Kingdom       WWW:    http://www.dante.net
