Hi folks, I'm on the PC for the IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDC'16) 7-9 Nov 2016 in Palo Alto, California, USA. Please note that SC'16 is the following week in Salt Lace City, Utah 13-18 Nov., so one or the other of these events might be a good time for the NSI group and any other OGF groups working on networking and infrastructure to get together. The web site is http://nfvsdn2016.ieee-nfvsdn.org I note that the deadline for paper submissions for NFV-SDC'16 is 31 May 2016, and for demo/tutorial or panel proposals a couple of weeks later on 15 June. (Most submission deadlines for SC'16 are already closed, except for posters, showcases and BoFs.) Please let me know: (a) If there is any interest in organizing an NSI tutorial or demo or panel at this conference (b) If there is any interest In organizing an OGF working group meeting or other activity at either location (this conference or SC'16). Thanks, Alan