Hi all- Here is topo version 1.1d Changes: - I reverted the naming to reflect the spec: urn:ogf:network:NSnetwork:<NSnetworkid> urn:ogf:network:stp:<NSnetworkid>:<localid> - I use urn:ogf:network:nsa:<NSA-name> to name the NSA objects. Note: I cannot find any notes that document a decision to separate NSnetwork and NSAid. So this object and its naming and use are AFAIK completely ad hoc. - I removed some relations that were specific to just on network (Bonaire). These were John's for DRAC, and were probably harmless, but I want to have a base topology that is the same for all implementations - no matter which network we may assign them to. - There is a "managing" relation now linking from NSA object to the NSnetwork object it manages. - I removed the mapsTo relations where they were specified - again to create a common base topology. Let me know if any mistakes or if we need any additional mods or enhancements. Jerry