Hello On Sat, 3 Sep 2011, jeonghoon moon wrote:
In response to your reservationRequest, our implementation locally generated an exception event because of name space problem (xmlns:ns0="http://schemas.ogf.org/nsi/2011/07/connection/interface").
The following is a part of SOAP payload from your dump.
<ns0:reservationRequest> <ns0:correlationId>315196053139943431651032553079928039634</ns0:correlationId> <ns0:replyTo>http://orval.grid.aau.dk:7080/NSI/services/ConnectionService</ns0:replyTo> <ns0:reservation>
<requesterNSA>http://orval.grid.aau.dk:7080/NSI/services/ConnectionService</requesterNSA> <providerNSA></providerNSA>
We agree to use ns0 for reservationRequest, coorelationID, and replyTo elements.
I am not sure whether ns0 name space can be applied to the reservation element or not.
Neither am I. It does look wrong to use the http://schemas.ogf.org/nsi/2011/07/connection/interface there. I'll try to look into this some more. Best regards, Henrik Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at ndgf.org> NORDUnet / Nordic Data Grid Facility.