Comment #5 on issue 49 by jmacau...@gmail.com: Missing information in detailed query? http://code.google.com/p/ogf-nsi-project/issues/detail?id=49 I investigate the current data returned by the query operation. The QuerySummaryResultType contains the overall connection state as viewed by the NSA being queried. It also contains a PathList that provides a summary of the STPs. This may be a pair of STP associated with the connection, or a more detailed path list of STP. However, it does not contain information about the children NSA involved in this connection. To get the detailed path information you must issue a recursive query to get a QueryDetailsResultType back with the detailed list of NSA involved in the request tree. Is it desirable to modify the QuerySummaryResultType to return the list of immediate children to the queried NSA involved in the connection reservation?