Please find an updated agenda for Monday below.


Agenda for NSI meeting


9:00 start


Session 1:

•             Guy to introduce the session and review NSI roadmap. 20 minutes

•             John to present on NSA description document.  20 minutes

•             Hans to present on NSI AA.  20 minutes


Coffee break 10:30 to 11:00


Session 2:

•            John to present on NSI extensions to NML topology. 40 minutes

•            Chin to present generic requirements of path-finding. 20 minutes

•            Spare slot. 30 minutes


Lunch 12:30 to 13:30


Session 3:

•             Provider’s policy requirements: Henrik, Hans, Chin, Guy to present.  10 minutes each

•             NSI working group to extract full set of policy requirement.  50 minutes


Coffee break 15:00 to 15:30


Session 4:

•             Present each of the 3 topology distribution proposals based on policy and path-computation methodologies.  Henrik, John, Miroslav. 15 minutes each

•             NSI working group to review how well the proposals fulfil each of the requirements.  30 minutes

•             Agree way forward on path-finding/topology/policy. 15 minutes


17:30 finish




Guy Roberts PhD

Senior Transport Network Architect


Cambridge, UK

Office +44 1223 371316

Mobile +44 7881336417


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