Hi All,
I think I agree with Inder’s analysis that we can support
two types of connection request, immediate and advanced, as long as these two
services have some constraints which I have summarized in this table:
Service type startTime endTime State
change State change
Res->Sch Sch->Prov
Immediate string:
‘0’ >startTime asap Signalled
Advanced >Now
+ guardTime >startTime <startTime Signalled
& local
All other state changes are fixed:
I -> Res: occurs as soon as the connection request is
Prov -> IS: occurs as soon as provisioning has been
completed by NRM
IS -> Rel: occurs after Cancel request has been processed.
Note 1: ‘<’ means before, ‘>’
means after
Note 2: A Connection has following states: Idle (I), Reserving
(Res), Scheduled (Sch), Provisioning (Prov), In-service (IS), Released (Rel).
The question for v1.0 is do we need to support the immediate
mode or can we use near-immediate mode where we set the startTime close to ‘now’?
Guy Roberts, Ph.D
Network Engineering &
DANTE - www.dante.net
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