Hi On Wed, 5 Oct 2011, Tomohiro Kudoh wrote:
To realize this, each ultimate provider should push state transition information to the google app engine. If everybody agree, we will prepare a sample code which should be incorporated to the implementations.
How do you think?
Why not have the visualization tool use the NSI query interface? After all, it is what it is supposed to be used for. I dislike the idea of starting to build a parallel infrastructure for a task which is supposed to be solvable with the NSI protocol. Sure, the polling nature of query and the high entrance bar for SOAP+WSDL is probably not ideal, but I think we should at least try to build something using it, before we start on the parallel infrastructure. If it doesn't work or becomes to convulated or complex, perhaps we should reconsider parts of the protocol. If we cannot use NSI, who can? Best regards, Henrik Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at ndgf.org> NORDUnet / Nordic Data Grid Facility.