John and all, I disagree on a single WSDL file. WSDL should be separated by each role. Actually, G-lambda-AIST team has developed a requester library for ultimate requesters, which implements the Requester WSDL only. In addition, it is easy to implement both interfaces. Thank you, Atsuko. 2012/4/12 John MacAuley <john.macauley@surfnet.nl>:
I know I have been asked by a few of the implementers to combine the Provider and Requester WSDL back into a single file. I am getting ready to issue a draft of the release 2.0 WSDL and wonder if I could get confirmation to do this. it would definitely simplify my code base if we did this. Please send in your Yeas and Nays.
Thank you, John. _______________________________________________ nsi-wg mailing list nsi-wg@ogf.org https://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/nsi-wg