Hi All- I apologize for missing the call today... The Internet2 Spring meeting had me wrapped up, and I just missed the call. I have read the minutes. I have two comments: 1. As much as I want to support the underspecified endpoints thinking, I really don't think we can in V1.0 ... To wit: Define an "underspecified" STP. I know (and the NSA can tell) what a fully specified STP is because it is in his local name table. But how does an NSA recognize an "underspecified" stp? And if the NSA can recognized it, how is it to resolve it into a "fully specified" STP? i.e. what does an "underspecified STP" mean? What are the semantics? Have we just started defining new topology structures? 2. AS for technology specific info in the STP. IMO, we should avoid this religiously - this breaks the NSI abstraction. Why would this even be necessary? The NSI connection service primitives are technology agnostic. Technology specifics may be found in the Service Request that are part of the Service Definition (e.g. MTU), but other than that, we should make sure the primitives themselves remain technology agnostic - including the names of endpoints. The Endpoint will always map to some topological location - *that* is where the physical or technology specific info should be found - not in the stp name itself. Admittedly, we can't stop a local NSA from encoding information in the local endpoint(s) names (e.g. name:="vlan100") but that is purely a local convention and of no significance to the other NSAs. Doing so may have human significance, but not NSI significance. If you encode technology specifics in the WSDL that defines an NSI Message, then you are adding information to the NSI message. That information therefore should be common to all Connection Services regardless of technology. So fundamentally, adding information to the WSDL that defines a NSI message is redefining the NSI message and is therefore considered a protocol addition. As a new protocol addition, it should be justified within the NSI protocol semantics, or should be expressly forbidden. Again - why would this even be necessary? All- If we keep the NSI-CS protocol faithful to the NSI abstractions, (Networks, Endpoints, Connections, and Services) we will be fine. The protocol works beautifully as is without last minute hacks. The CS primitives do Reservations and Provisioning. The issues of pathfinding are dependent on Topology - which we have not worked out yet. Be patient, and have confidence - the CS protocol is really well thought out as is. We will find that many of these issues go away or will be improved with the ensuing topology discussions...don't panic and try to wedge something in at this eleventh hour that we have not considered thoroughly. Thanks! Jerry On 4/20/11 1:36 PM, Guy Roberts wrote:
The minutes from today's NSI call are available here:
** Guy Roberts, PhD Network Engineering & Planning
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