Hi all, Here is G-LAMBDA/AIST's lessons learned and comments on the NSI plugfest: 1. WSDL provisioning While some clients (AIST and KDDI) tried to get WSDL from servers before establishing a session, some servers did not provide WSDL. This problem was solved by make AIST and KDDI implementations to read local WSDL, but we are not sure whether using a local WSDL is right thing or not. 2. Lessons learned (?) - Ack and conf/fail sequence problem. AIST implemented processing of request such as reserve as a different thread from the one which receives requests. Therefore, a confirm message is sometimes returned before the ack. But some implementations did not allow it. (this problem has not been fixed yet) - We experienced network problems (like connection refused), especially between OpenNSA and others. The ack and conf/fail sequence matter may be the cause of these network problems . But not quite sure. This should be investigated further. - Implementations used different timezones in specifying times. One of the implementations worked only if a reservation request is made in the same timezone. Also, using different timezones for logs is not very human understandable. 2. SAML We don't think the discussion on SAML is mature enough. At this moment, we should not put SAML security attributes in the WSDL. Extensible specification can be used for future extension (including SAML) like : <xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> Just as an example, OGF OGSA-BES (Basic Execution Service) does not include security attributes in WSDL or schema, and uses xsd:any multiple times so that outer schema can be used for security attributes. 3. synchronous/asynchronous call It seems using a separate session for confirm/fail is confusing. We have to introduce correlation id, and also we encountered a problem in the order of ack and confirm messages as stated above. Asynchronous calls are now widely used for many services, and supported by most of toolkits including Axis, CXF, Glassfish and Websphere. A major advantage of asynchronous call is that the client can be at behind a NAT. On the other hand, since a connection is there until a reply is sent back, there is a limit in the number of requests which have not been replied. But (especially if we will modify the protocol to reply to provision request in Autostart immediately), there will not be so many connections at a time. We are not proposing this for v1.0, but we think it should be considered (again) for v2.0. 4. WSDL related - The STP list is defined in WSDL as: <xsd:complexType name="OrderedServiceTerminationPointType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="stpId" type="tns:StpIdType" /> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="order" type="xsd:integer" /> </xsd:complexType> But <order> is not necessary. Order of array elements are guaranteed in both JAXB and SOAP. Same for DetailedPathType. - xsd:integer can be xsd:int xsd:integer is mapped to BigInteger in Java. Normal xsd:int would be sufficient.