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Hi All,
Here is a agenda proposal for the 4 NSI-WG sessions next week at Banff. If you would like to add any topics, please let me know.
Tuesday 9.00am: Session 1 of NSI-WG meetings (90 mins)
Session chairs: Guy Roberts, Tomohiro Kudoh, Inder Monga
Guy Roberts to present introduction to NSI sessions and summarize activity since last meeting.
John Vollbrecht to present a summary of status of architecture deliverable.
Tuesday 11.00am Session 2 of NSI-WG meeting (90 mins)
Session chairs: Guy Roberts, Tomohiro Kudoh, Inder Monga
Joan Garcia-Espin/Tomohiro Kudoh to present on their work on NSI interface instances and NSA relationships.
Guy Roberts to present discussion on handling technology specific aspects of service request.
Wednesday 1.00pm Session 3 of NSI-WG meeting (90 mins)
Session chairs: Guy Roberts, Tomohiro Kudoh, Inder Monga
KDDI will present a use case for implementation of the NSI interface. This is proposed to be used as the basis for section 12 of the architecture deliverable.
Discussion on next stage- The architecture deliverable has provided a platform for shaping the main concepts of the NSI into a set of requirements. The next stage is to develop these into a protocol definition. Nominations will be accepted for editors of deliverable 3 (NSI protocol definition). Nominations to be discussed.
Wednesday 2.45pm: Session 4 of NSI-WG meeting (90 mins)
Session chairs: Guy Roberts, Tomohiro Kudoh, Inder Monga
Discussion of the structure and content of deliverable 3, NSI protocol definition.
Two additional NSI related sessions have also been scheduled:
Monday 4.30pm: NSI - ETSI meeting (90 mins)
Session chair Guy Roberts
Presenters: Guy Roberts and Stephan Schulz
This session will explore the collaboration opportunities between NSI and the ETSI, in particular for the ETSI grid/cloud interoperability event.
Wednesday 2.45pm: Web service tutorial (90 mins)
I have requested this tutorial to help NSI and other new OGF participants understand how web services have been implemented in existing OGF standards. Due to the clash with session 4 of the NSI-WG meeting I have requested that this tutorial time be changed.
Guy Roberts, Ph.D
Network Engineering & Planning
DANTE - www.dante.net<http://www.dante.net/>
Tel: +44 (0)1223 371 316
City House, 126-130 Hills Road
Cambridge, CB2 1PQ, UK
As per agenda item 1, the NSI and NML working group time slots on Tuesday have now been swapped.
-----Original Message-----
From: Paola Grosso [mailto:p.grosso@uva.nl]
Sent: 24 September 2009 16:19
To: Network Markup Language Working Group
Subject: [Nml-wg] Meeting notes Sep.24
Hi all
These are the notes of the meeting that just terminated few minutes ago.
Please send corrections to the mailing list if I got something wrong.
In particular re-read point 3 on transitional links 'cause I am not sure
I really got what people were saying.
Best regards, Paola
******* Meeting notes NML-WG Thurs. Sep 24 2009 *******
Present: Gigi, Martin, Aaron, John, Jeff, Evangelos, Paola and Jeroen.
Agenda items discussed:
1) OGF27
2) Current status of schema deliverable
3) Transitional links
4) Next meeting
1) OGF27
3 sessions requested. Currently on Tues. and Wed. morning. There is an
outstanding request to move these sessions to the afternoon, so that
NSI can be held in the morning.
The last two sessions will focus on the _service_ and _adaptation_
elements in the schema.
2) Current status of schema deliverable
Works is in progress:
- Jeroen is incorporating changes mailed so far to the mailing list,
- Freek is focusing on the identifiers and usecase sections
- Jeroen will contact Lars as he is has been 'silent' for a while (Lars?)
3) Transitional links
John, Guy, Jeroen and Freek had a call yesterday with ITU people. They
discussed transitional links.
Jeroen says there are three main usecases for the NML schema:
(a) intra-domain provisioning, where detailed information is required by
the provisioning system
(b) monitoring applications
(c) inter-domain path finding
While the current schema covers well usecases (a) and (b), it is less
suited for (c) as this requires aggregated/abstracted views.
Evangelos proposes to use different identifiers for resources that are
in the 'physical' and 'aggregated' topologies, with mapping withing the
two sets of resources. Jeroen points out this might not work when
dealing with multi-layer descriptions.
Martin says that domain 'collapsing' to node is already possible in the
current schema. A 'switching matrix' would be used to used to describe
the capabilities of a domain, in a similar manner as it is used for a
single node.
The consensus is that we need to provide a usecase describing an
aggregation/abstraction example.
John thinks transitional links are necessary to describe connections
between layers, and as such are needed by path finding apps. Jeroen and
Martin say that transitional link map 1:1 to NML adaptations. They are
an edge in the path finding graph.
We cannot reach a consensus, so we agree that:
- we need an usecase with multi-layer inter-domain path finding. This
might (or not) prove John's point we _do_ need transitional links;
- we will might touch on this subject again at OGF27 when discussing
4) Next meeting.
To be decided at OGF.
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