Wrong structure of a request --------------------------------- Existing result codes: MDM Java RRD MA: query_exception - "no data trigger" query_exception - "getting the key is impossible " query_exception - "no subject element in metadata id=[...]" query_exception - "no eventType or key element in metadata id=[...] query_exception - "can not find any metadatas with a valid content" query_exception - "can not find eventType in metadata element" query_exception - "no interface element in metadata element" query_exception - "no subject element in metadata element" query_exception - "There is no key." PSPS common result codes: error.common.merge - "Attempting to merge a parameter with a missing 'name' attribute" error.common.merge - "Merged metadata from chain beginning at $baseId have multiple, inconsistent subject metadataIdRefs" error.common.merge - "Merging with a key metadata is invalid" error.common.merge - "Metadata " . $child->getAttribute( "id" ) . " and " . $parent->getAttribute( "id" ) . " have no eventTypes in common" error.common.merge - "Metadata " . $child->getAttribute( "id" ) . " and " . $parent->getAttribute( "id" ) . " have subjects with different namespaces." error.common.merge - "Metadata " . $child->getAttribute( "id" ) . " has multiple subjects" error.common.merge - "Metadata $nextMdId appears multiple times in the chain" error.common.merge - "Metadata $nextMdId does not exist" error.common.merge - "Metadata " . $parent->getAttribute( "id" ) . " has multiple subjects" error.common.no_metadata_data_pair - "There were no metadata/data pairs found in the message" PSPS LS: error.ls.data_trigger - "Matching metadata not found for data trigger '" . $d->getAttribute( "id" ) . "'" error.ls.deregister.key_not_found - "Key not found in message." error.ls.keepalive.key_not_found - "Key not found in message. error.ls.key.service_missing - "Cannont find data, service element was not found." error.ls.query.subject_not_found - "Summary subject not found in metadata." error.ls.register.data_trigger_missing - "No data triggers found in request." ) unless $counter Proposal of new result code replacing all above (only description would be different and give more datails): http://perfsonar.net/status/clienterror/wrong_message_structure/ EventType in a request is not supported -------------------------------------------- MDM Java RRD MA: query_exception - "eventType [...] in metadata id= [...] is not supported" query_exception - "can not find correct eventType in metadata element" PSPS common result codes: error.common.event_type_not_supported - "Event type '$eventType' is not yet supported for messages with type '$messageType'" PSPS LS: error.ls.deregister.eventType - "Incorrect eventType for LSDeregisterRequest." error.ls.keepalive.eventType - "Incorrect eventType for LSKeepaliveRequest." ) if $eventType;" error.ls.query.eventType - "Sent eventType not supported." Proposal of new result code replacing all above (only description would be different and give more datails): http://perfsonar.net/status/clienterror/event_type_not_supported/ Request is not supported --------------------------- PSPS common result codes: error.common.action_not_supported - "Messages of type $messageType are unsupported" error.common.action_not_supported - "No message type specified" error.ma.message_type - "Invalid Message Type" PSPS LS: error.gls.register - "Root gLS servers can only accept registration and synchronization of hLS summaries." error.hls.register - "hLS servers can not accept summary registration." error.ls.messages - "Unrecognized message type" error.ls.query.eventType - "Given query type is missing or not supported." Proposal of new result code replacing all above (only description would be different and give more datails): http://perfsonar.net/status/clienterror/message_not_supported Elements of a request are not supported ---------------------------------------- MDM Java RRD MA: query_exception - "wrong ipAddress" query_exception - "wrong hostName" query_exception - "wrong ifName" query_exception - "wrong ifDescription" query_exception - "wrong ifAddress" query_exception - "wrong ifIndex" query_exception - "wrong type" query_exception - "wrong direction" query_exception - "wrong classOfService" query_exception - "wrong capacity" Proposal of new result code replacing all above (only description would be different and give more datails): http://perfsonar.net/status/clienterror/message_element_not_supported XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------ TBD