Nina Jeliazkova wrote:
Roman Lapacz wrote:
Nina Jeliazkova wrote:
Roman Lapacz wrote:
I like second proposal which groups result codes according to
functionalities. It's flexible because it works when e.g. a service
acts as ma and mp. I would also add  additional category which is
not related with a functionality, for example when message parsing

3th proposal is OK as well. Less preferable then 2nd but I'm fine
with it if 3th will have more supporters.

I'm fine with 2nd and 3rd proposal as well.    I might already have
said on the perfsonar list, 1st and 2nd proposals are designed from
the point of view of a server developer.
>From the client side, if the result codes are only expected to be
displayed to the human users, and not triggering a client action, it
doesn't really matter which proposal will be adopted.

If, on the other hand, an automatic client action is expected, then
it is crucial to know if the reason of the failure is server side,
or  client side (e.g. client submitting wrong data , which can be
fixed and resubmitted). 
On the other hand, could we say: client can send anything and it's the
matter of a service what is accepted. So in this case there are no
server and client errors. Just errors. If a services does not support
a request then it generates 'parse error' or 'unknown request error'.
Well, also a valid point of view. More important is indeed how much
information can be extracted from the error codes.

Just out of curiosity - was it considered before to make use of SOAP fault codes [ ], instead of custom solution?

(I can easily see one advantage of a custom solution, since error codes can now be associated with  data/metadata entries ).


Best regards,
Jeff W.Boote wrote:
Thanks Slawomir.

It would be great if people could either respond to this thread
with  their opinions on the proposed solutions, or be on the
call/VC so we  can come to some resolution on this topic.


On Jan 12, 2010, at 2:58 AM, Slawomir Trzaszczka wrote:

Hi all,

On Mon, 2010-01-11 at 20:01 -0500, Jason Zurawski wrote:
Hi Roman;

Thanks for the feedback, comments inline:

some first comments/observations:

- I think the structure of namespace could be explained
The original thinking was the NM-WG document, "An Extensible
Schema  for
Network Measurement and Performance Data", would contain the entire
explanation of namespaces (the idea itself coming from another
   Any future documents from related projects (NMC, NML,
others?)  would
reference this and only note caveats to the original rule.  The
doc is here:

And I think namespaces are in section 4.  Does everyone think
this is
sufficient, or should we consider other options?

- example of status response in 4.1 does not explain too much 
(looks the
same as earlier response example)
Now that things are in SVN, could you suggest a more fitting

- in the concept of key could be explained more (for me 
the key
represents some bigger information structure; reasons: performance,
Good ideas, I will note these.

- in the reference to "Characteristic" document is missing
Good catch, I will add a real reference.

- I'm wondering whether we can say in 4.3.3 that the request
with  more
data triggers includes logical independent sub-requests
The concept of chaining is also something that Martin and I have
struggled to find a proper location.  Chaining is explained in 
5 and 6 of the above NM-WG document currently.  I think the basics
should remain in NM-WG since the concept of the chain is
essential to
the definition of data and metadata.  We may be able to reference
basic concept though to motivate some of the more unique cases.

- 4.4.1: typo "request schema"
I will correct.

- I would remove parameter elements "supportedEventType" from all
message examples. I understand that it's supported by the
implementations but it's agreed to use eventType element
I don't think this is a big deal, since these are just examples. 
I  can
remove them if we think it will cause confusion.

- I think we have to rebuild Result Code section and finish the
discussion on new ideas proposed by Slawek and Jeff. That's very
important and must be done.
This would be the current venu to do so.  Has Slawek updated his
document based on the suggestions that were made before the
Perhaps he can send it again?
file is in attachment





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Slawomir Trzaszczka

Poznan Supercomputing & Networking Center
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