ACM SIGMOD Record, Special Section on Scientific Workflows
Subject: CFP: ACM SIGMOD Record, Special Section on Scientific Workflows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C A L L F O R P A P E R S SIGMOD RECORD, September 2005 Issue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Section on Scientific Workflows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guest editors: Bertram Ludaescher & Carole Goble University of California at Davis, USA & University of Manchester, UK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today computational scientists across all disciplines (from biology, medicine, ecology, and other life sciences to chemistry, physics, geosciences, and astronomy) create ever increasing amounts of often highly complex data. Generated raw and derived data may come from wet lab experiments (possibly under control of a LIMS), large-scale data-intensive and compute-intensive simulations, or real-time observations e.g. from remote sensors. Technical challenges include not only the volume of data, but also the complexity of data of "metadata-intensive" applications. In order to support scientists in their data management and analysis tasks, scientific workflows have recently gained increased interest and momentum as a unifying mechanism for handling scientific data. While loosely related to the more traditional business workflows studied earlier by the database community, scientific workflows pose a quite different set of challenges due to the special nature of scientific data and the specific needs for large-scale data collection, querying, analysis, and visualization. Scientific workflows are often designed or depicted in a block diagram style, with connections indicating data-flow (and sometimes control-flow) between individual tasks. A comprehensive scientific workflow system should be able to schedule workflow tasks (typically in a distributed/Grid environment), monitor and control execution, allow on-the-fly visualization and computational steering, support user-interaction, facilitate "pause & rerun" of workflows, keep track of data provenance, and support various static and dynamic analysis and optimization techniques. Moreover, the underlying scientific workflow model and paradigm should facilitate component and subworkflow reuse. We invite contributions on all aspects of database technologies for scientific workflows (SWFs) including but not limited to: - conceptual modeling and design of SWFs - computation models for SWFs - scheduling, resource allocation, and planning for SWFs - static analysis, validation, verification of SWFs - distributed and Grid-based SWFs - web-service based SWFs (incl. overcoming limitations of web services) - data-intensive, compute-intensive, metadata-intensive SWF applications - data mining, data analysis, and statistics in SWFs - highly interactive SWFs - long running and non-interactive SWFs - transaction management and SWFs - fault tolerance in SWFs - scientific visualization and SWFs - problem-solving environments for SWFs (scientific workflow systems) - coupling SWF systems with other systems (databases, LIMS, statistics packages, visualization tools, etc) - data and workflow provenance in SWFs - knowledge representation and semantic extensions to SWFs ---------------- IMPORTANT DATES: ---------------- Paper submission deadline : May 21th, 2005 Notification of acceptance: June 26th, 2005 Camera ready copies due : July 10th, 2005 Submitted articles should not exceed 6 pages in the 2-column, 10-point SIGMOD Record format (see Please email your contributions in PDF format, using Subject: SIGMOD-Record/SWF to LUDAESCH@UCDAVIS.EDU. -- Bertram Ludaescher Dept. of Computer Science & UC Davis Genome Center University of California at Davis One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 530-754-8576 (ph), 530-752-4767 (fax)
participants (1)
Carole Goble