FW: LSGRID2006: Call for Paper (Deadline Extended to August 15, 2006)
We apologize if you are receiving duplicates. The deadline for submission of abstracts for papers, posters and demonstrations is extended to August 15, 2006. The 3rd International Life Science Grid Workshop (LSGRID2006) is scheduled to be held on Oct 13-14, 2006, at RIKEN Yokohama Institute, Japan. This is right before the PRAGMA 11 (Oct 15-17, 2006) at Osaka University, Japan, and after the 7th International Conference on Systems Biology, Oct 9-13, 2006 in Yokohama, Japan. Important Dates (Updated) * 15th August 2006 Submission deadline of Abstracts for posters/demonstration (800 words or more) * 15th August 2006 Submission deadline of Abstracts for Papers (up to 10 pages A4 format) * 1st September 2006 Notification of Acceptance * 15th September 2006 Submission of Camera Ready Paper Research Topics for Submission The program committee welcomes the submission of original manuscripts addressing the problem of Grid Systems for Life Sciences. Authors should report relevant experiences, present novel approaches to existing problems and describe and raise issues that must be overcome to facilitate Grid-based Life Science e-Research. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Grid architectures for life sciences * Security of clinical and life science data sets * Usability of Grid based life science systems * Interoperability of Grid systems to support life science research * Grid based data access and integration of life science data sets * Applications and case studies on using the Grid in the life science domain * Computational workflows to support life science research processes * Development and usage of ontologies for the life sciences * Grid based drug discovery and pharmacogenomics * Grid based clinical trials and epidemiological studies * Semantic Grid approaches for the life sciences * High performance Grid architectures and systems for life sciences Please visit the website for the detail: (http://big.gsc.riken.jp/index_html/lsgrid2006/).
participants (1)
Angulo, David