[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message] ---------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: August 1st, 2006 LSGRID2006 13-14 October, 2006 RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center (GSC), TOKYO Web site: http://www.lsgrid.org/2006/ ---------------------------------------------------- Area and Scope The life science community is experiencing a period of unprecedented change, challenge and opportunity. With the completion of the sequencing of the human genome (and ever increasing numbers of other genomes), the opportunities of in-silico scientific research offer a new horizon of possibilities: from rapid targeted drug discovery, identification of genetic factors to disease causes and epidemiological studies through to complete biological understanding of complete organisms and tailored genetic treatments supporting e-Health solutions. The possibilities abound! Fundamental to the realization of this vision is the infrastructure needed to use and analyze the vast array of data sets associated with such research. These data sets are growing exponentially, often have radically different characteristics, are often maintained by completely different groups and bodies, and importantly are perpetually evolving. In this context, the development of an infrastructure that allows to access, use, and analyze such changing and growing amounts of data is both technically challenging, offers huge benefits to the scientific community and is potentially extremely viable commercially. The Grid represents one way in which such an infrastructure can be developed and supported, providing seamless access to computational and data resources. This workshop will focus on all aspects related to the application of Grid technologies to the challenges facing the life science community. Topics The program committee welcomes the submission of original manuscripts addressing the problem of Grid Systems for Life Sciences. Authors should report relevant experiences, present novel approaches to existing problems and describe and raise issues that must be overcome to facilitate Grid-based Life Science e-Research. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: -Grid architectures for life sciences -Security of clinical and life science data sets -Usability of Grid based life science systems -Interoperability of Grid systems to support life science research -Grid based data access and integration of life science data sets -Applications and case studies on using the Grid in the life science domain -Computational workflows to support life science research processes -Development and usage of ontologies for the life sciences -Grid based drug discovery and pharmacogenomics -Grid based clinical trials and epidemiological studies -Semantic Grid approaches for the life sciences -High performance Grid architectures and systems for life sciences Paper Submission Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished work. Papers should not exceed 10 single-spaced pages on A4 paper size, using at least 1 inch margins and 12-point font. Authors should submit a PDF or PostScript file that will print on a PostScript printer. Electronic submission through the symposium website is strongly encouraged. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper. Important Dates 1st August 2006 Submission deadline of Abstracts for posters/demonstration (800 words or more) 1st August 2006 Submission deadline of Abstracts for Papers 1st September 2006 Notification of Acceptance 15th September 2006 Submission of Full Paper Program Chairs Professor SINNOTT Richard National e-Science Centre, Glasgow, UK Email: ros@dcs.gla.ac.uk Professor ANGULO David DePaul Univ., USA Email: dangulo@cti.depaul.edu Further Information For local information please contact: Professor KONAGAYA Akihiko RIKEN Institute, Japan Email: konagaya@gsc.riken.jp Download Instructions for Call for Papers here : http://www.lsgrid.org/2006/ -- Konagaya Akihiko <konagaya@gsc.riken.jp>
participants (1)
Angulo, David