FW: RE: New industrial user communities for GGF?
Dear all: I don't know anything about this conference, but I thought I'd pass it on. If anyone knows anything, feel free to post information to the list (or send to me directly). Thanks. Dave Dave Angulo Faculty DePaul School of Computer Science, Telecommunications, and Information Science dangulo@cti.depaul.edu 312-362-5041 <http://www.ud.com/> <http://www.ud.com/company/> <http://www.ud.com/solutions/> <http://www.ud.com/industries/> <http://www.ud.com/services/> <http://www.ud.com/partners/> <http://www.ud.com/rescenter/> Overview <http://www.ud.com/conference05/> Registration <https://www.ud.com/contact/registration.htm> Agenda <http://www.ud.com/conference05/aag.htm> Speakers <http://www.ud.com/conference05/speakers.htm> Sponsorships <http://www.ud.com/conference05/sponsors.htm> Not In Life Sciences? <http://www.ud.com/conference05/lifesciences.htm> <https://www.ud.com/contact/registration.htm> United Devices is proud to announce the 2005 Life Sciences Grid Conference -- a 2-day event focused on how grid computing is playing a critical role and delivering proven business benefits in Life Sciences. Join United Devices, our customers & partners, industry experts, and Life Sciences executives and scientists for a comprehensive look at what Life Sciences companies are doing with grid today - and tomorrow. UD'05 will provide attendees with an inside view of how grids are being used - and delivering value - across the Pharma business. What makes this conference a Do-Not-Miss Occasion? Real: We've got real customers talking about actual problems being solved by grid technology. Specific: Our sessions are focused and specific - we dive deep & deliver more value. Practical: Learn about strategies relevant to you - and leave with more than a hotel brochure. New: You'll hear it here first! Exclusive looks at cutting-edge grid uses (topics include human genomics and FDA compliance). Timely: Grids are expanding rapidly throughout Life Sciences - now's the time to understand how they can benefit you. You'll participate in discussions and workshops with professionals using grid in a variety of ways. You'll also have the chance to interact with application vendors, analysts and other experts. At UD'05, new and experienced grid users will join colleagues and industry experts for: 1. Business Value Presentations by Top Pharmas 2. Application Focus Sessions: Who's using grid - and how - for what benefit? 3. Ask the Expert: Submit questions after registration to be answered by our panel of experts 4. Technical Workshops: How your colleagues are interacting with grid technology Download a Conference brochure. <http://www.ud.com/conference05/ud05_brochure.pdf> Get more information about sponsoring this event. <http://www.ud.com/conference05/sponsors.htm> Space is limited -- Register today! <https://www.ud.com/contact/registration.htm> Who should attend: * CFOs, CIOs & CEOs interested in hearing about cost-saving solutions and proven, predictable ROI from grid * IT Managers who need real, proven technology solutions to virtualize, aggregate and manage their infrastructure * End Users of Life Sciences Applications from R&D to Sales & Marketing who want to connect with colleagues using grid <http://www.ud.com/conference05/>
Conference Brochure <http://www.ud.com/conference05/ud05_brochure.pdf>
Zurich Marriot Details <http://marriotthotels.ch/property/propertyPage/zrhdt> Map and Transportation <http://marriotthotels.ch/property/mapandnearbyairports/default.mi?marsh aCode=zrhdt>
Sponsored by: <http://welcome.hp.com/country/us/en/welcome.html> Keynote Addresses <http://www.ud.com/conference05/aag.htm> David Neilson, Johnson & Johnson Prof. Manuel Peitsch, Novartis Speakers From <http://www.ud.com/conference05/speakers.htm> GSK Johnson & Johnson Novartis HP Accelrys Schrodinger Tripos Gartner 451 Group Global Medical Forum Foundation Institute for Systems Biology University of Basel <http://www.ud.com/conference05/> Copyright (c) 1999-2005 United Devices. All Rights Reserved.
participants (1)
Angulo, David