UK e-Science All Hands Meeting
<Apologies if you receive this from several sources> Dear All, Can I bring to your attention the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting ( The theme this year is "Crossing Boundaries: Computational Science, E-Science and Global E- Infrastructures" It is to be held in Edinburgh 8-11th September 2008. This year the Chairman Peter Coveney and the organising committee are striving to expand the interest of the conference out to all domain scientists to "attain a genuine synergy between computer scientists and computational scientists and researchers in all domains". The meeting is organised around workshops which will form the various sessions of the programme. Registration is open and the abstract 1-pager deadline has now been extended to the 15th May. Cheers, Rich -- Professor Richard O. Sinnott Technical Director National e-Science Centre University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ Tel: +44-(0)141-330-8606 Fax: -8625 Mob: 0795-2376627 Email:
participants (1)
Richard Sinnott