Hi All,
My project (and passion :-> ) as well as other references about my work
are in the signature lines below.
I took a look at the archives and was surprised to find only a few
announcements of other events over the years. So, is there interest in
reviving discussion related to life sciences and GRID computing?
The multi-level modeling approach I promote is similar to CEN/ISO 13606,
HL7v3 and openEHR. I have worked in open source health information
systems for 13 years; after a career in electronics engineering
(communications, RADAR & SONAR). I have worked with the openEHR
Foundation for the past decade with five years on the Architecture
Review Board. I also worked briefly with CCHIT and HITSP regarding open
My goal with MLHIM is to bring it into modern times with the same proven
concepts as openEHR but with XML Schemas as constraint definitions as
well as a broader reference model. This includes using the OGF GLUE
Specification as part of the foundational classes. I would enjoy having
input from others outside of the primary care clinical domain. This
will lead to a better, broader reference model.
Kind Regards,
Timothy Cook, MSc
Project Lead - Multi-Level Healthcare Information Modeling
LinkedIn Profile:http://www.linkedin.com/in/timothywaynecook
Skype ID == timothy.cook
Academic.Edu Profile: http://uff.academia.edu/TimothyCook
You may get my Public GPG key from popular keyservers or
from this link http://timothywayne.cook.googlepages.com/home