Upcoming OGF Event in Barcelona
** Apologies to any who receive multiple copies of this note ** The benefits of deploying grid and related technologies in a broad spectrum of IT environments continue to grow and evolve. Researchers and scientists in both academic and commercial settings are using Grids to scale their compute and data capabilities while enhancing their ability to collaborate across organizational boundaries. Commercial organizations are finding that grids are "mission critical" to enabling business agility in a shared, service-oriented and increasingly virtualized infrastructure. These and many other uses of grid technologies will be examined in detail at the upcoming OGF23 event (http://www.ogf.org/OGF23/) in Barcelona, Spain on 2-6 June. OGF23 is the first event organized by the EU-funded project OGF-Europe, which is chartered with mobilizing and integrating the EU community on grid standards and best practices. The project will use OGF23 to launch its tutorial series and its initiatives on Digital Repositories and national and international grid interoperation. Grid case studies will be presented through the co-location of the EU-funded BEinGRID project's Industry Days event (3-5 June) at OGF23. Results and demonstrations of over 15 different "experiments" with grids in commercial sectors will be presented. In parallel to these commercial activities, OGF23 will feature several workshops on scientific uses of grids and other emerging technologies such as virtualization and clouds. In addition, an important part of this multi-faceted event will be the commercial exhibition where Europe-based projects and vendors will showcase their latest Grid solutions. Last and certainly not least, participants will have a great program with a variety of sessions to choose from including: . Keynote talks from IT and Grid thought leaders . Demonstrations of OGF specifications in action . Best practice sessions where today's grid deployment solutions are identified . Standards development working sessions . Numerous open call sessions driven by the latest needs identified by the community Advanced registration is now open so visit <http://www.ogf.org/OGF23/registration.php> http://www.ogf.org/OGF23/registration.php to obtain the lowest registration fee. The program committee is still receiving content proposals until April 11 at: <http://www.ogf.org/OGF23/cfp.php> http://www.ogf.org/OGF23/cfp.php. June is a busy time in Barcelona so make sure you reserve your hotel soon at: http://www.ogf.org/OGF23/lodging.php. If you are interested in exhibiting or sponsoring, visit http://www.ogf.org/OGF23/sponsor.php. We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona! Steve Crumb Executive Director, Open Grid Forum scrumb@ogf.org +1 312-895-5931 (office) +1 630-915-3324 (cell)
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Steve Crumb