Hi Mike,

There is more afoot for OGF37; Andrew Grimshaw is planning to organise a specific workshop on (identity) delegation. He was going to write some paragraphs and send them around - probably around now.  It would make sense to combine IDEL-WG with this activity (ie to host it as an extended IDEL-WG) - if you agree.

1. I haven't looked into the timing/flights/costs/logistics yet, so I don't know.
2. A day would seem reasonable (four sessions)?
3. Don't know; will leave to the chairs to decide. There is useful stuff to do, though, we have enough material for at least one session - a draft IGTF profile for SARoNGS et al (aka "LIVE"), updates from PMAs,
3. As regards FEDSEC I suspect there is more than enough useful new stuff floating around, but it'll depend on who is coming and to some extent how many documents I have time to put into a useful form before March...


On 18/01/2013 17:01, Mike Jones wrote:

It's time to register sessions of OGF37.  

There's noise from IDEL participants and we should schedule that this group 
meets.  And I should be in a position to circulate a strawman on the gridsite 
delegation info doc real soon™.

CA-ops mentioned that OGF37 was scheduled close to another similar meeting and 
folk might not be able to make it;  I believe we should at least meet for one 
session to keep things ticking forward, but am happy to apply for more than 1 
session if we thing there are items to discuss.  If we will not be quorate 
then perhaps we should not have CA-ops

VOMS proc has a straw-man doc that we need to work on so we need to schedule 
this session.

Questions then:

1, Who will make it to OGF37
2, do we need 3 or 4 sessions to cover work (assuming CA-OPS)?
3, do we suspend CA-ops this time due to participation?
3, Jens Are you going, and is there a FedSec session?


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