Folks, First of all a reminder that everybody's favourite document, GFD.125-bis is still available for public comments, until 10 May: http://redmine.ogf.org/projects/editor-pubcom/boards/8 Secondly, there is an OGF coming up which as you will just have been informed is in an entanglement between two locations. The XSEDE schedule is here: https://www.xsede.org/web/xsede13/schedule but doesn't seem to have any security area content other than the OGF (although I may have missed it); TNC does have identity management and federations on Tuesday https://tnc2013.terena.org/core/schedule/list/day/04%252F06%252F2013 (although they're parallel!) They are not even at the same time, so you could attend both! If you are a group chair of one of the security area groups, please let me know what you're planning. If you are in a group and not a group chair, can you please let your group chair know? Thanks --jens