Dear Mike et al, I am afraid that I will no be able to attend OGF37. Sorry! Regards Dave ------------------------------------------------ Dr David Kelsey Particle Physics Department Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Chilton, DIDCOT, OX11 0QX, UK e-mail: david.kelsey@stfc.ac.uk Tel: [+44](0)1235 445746 (direct) Fax: [+44](0)1235 446733 ------------------------------------------------
-----Original Message----- From: caops-wg-bounces@ogf.org [mailto:caops-wg-bounces@ogf.org] On Behalf Of Mike Jones Sent: 18 January 2013 17:02 To: voms-proc-wg@ogf.org; CAOPS-WG; idel-wg@ogf.org Subject: [caops-wg] OGF37 Arrangements and sessions
It's time to register sessions of OGF37.
There's noise from IDEL participants and we should schedule that this group meets. And I should be in a position to circulate a strawman on the gridsite delegation info doc real soon™.
CA-ops mentioned that OGF37 was scheduled close to another similar meeting and folk might not be able to make it; I believe we should at least meet for one session to keep things ticking forward, but am happy to apply for more than 1 session if we thing there are items to discuss. If we will not be quorate then perhaps we should not have CA- ops
VOMS proc has a straw-man doc that we need to work on so we need to schedule this session.
Questions then:
1, Who will make it to OGF37 2, do we need 3 or 4 sessions to cover work (assuming CA-OPS)? 3, do we suspend CA-ops this time due to participation? also, 3, Jens Are you going, and is there a FedSec session?
Rgds, Mike