Fwd: [saga-core-wg] Grid RPC data management & SAGA

I forward this mail, Gaël has some problems with gridforge. Regards, Eddy Début du message réexpédié :
De : Gaël Le Mahec <gael.le.mahec@ens-lyon.fr> Date : 2 septembre 2009 17:25:25 HAEC À : saga-core-wg@ogf.org Cc : Mailing List for GRIDRPC-WG <gridrpc-wg@ogf.org> Objet : [saga-core-wg] Grid RPC data management & SAGA
As we propose at the OGF'25 (Catania), we worked on the Grid RPC data management API integration into the SAGA API (see joined documents). We tried to adopt the SAGA Look-&-Feel and we propose two different ways for the integration :
- Extending the original saga::rpc::parameter class and adding the missing classes/enumerations for a proper integration. - Adding a saga::rpc::rpc_data class to the API. This class extends the main saga::rpc::rpc overloading the call method.
These two different approaches have advantages and disadvantages. Using a unique saga::rpc::rpc class implies to modify the original class to respect the SAGA Look-&-Feel. For example, the attributes of the orginal saga::rpc::parameter class do not make sense for the sub-class saga::rpc::parameter_data. Moreover, the original saga::rpc::parameter inherits from the saga::buffer class, that should not be used for the parameter_data class (change in the semantic).
The second approach is more easily implementable but the API then contains two different methods to call a service.
Maybe there is a better way to extend the current SAGA RPC avoiding to change the parameter class and the two different methods. Please feel free to send any comments about these propositions.
Best regards,
G. Le Mahec for the GRAAL team.
-- saga-core-wg mailing list saga-core-wg@ogf.org http://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/saga-core-wg
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eddy Caron. Mcf ENS Lyon ENS Lyon - LIP - Projet GRAAL 46 Allee d'Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France E-Mail : Eddy.Caron@ens-lyon.fr [ Tel : ][ Web page : http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/~ecaron ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Eddy Caron