Fwd: OGF support for OGC Web Processing Service spec?

All, We've got an invitation for a talk at the upcoming OGC-OGF workshop at OGF-23 from Craig, one of the co-chairs. I think we should give it. any idea? -hidemoto ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <lee@aero.org> Date: Wed, May 7, 2008 at 4:21 AM Subject: Re: OGF support for OGC Web Processing Service spec? To: lee@aero.org, Hidemoto Nakada <hide-nakada@aist.go.jp>, Yves Caniou <yves.caniou@ens-lyon.fr>, s.jha@ucl.ac.uk, kielmann@cs.vu.nl, Andre Merzky <andre@merzky.net>, Andrew Grimshaw <grimshaw@virginia.edu>, Steven Newhouse <Steven.Newhouse@microsoft.com>, humphrey@cs.virginia.edu, Geoffrey Fox <gcf@grids.ucs.indiana.edu>, Christopher Smith <csmith@platform.com> Cc: Satoshi Sekiguchi <s.sekiguchi@aist.go.jp>, Chris Higgins <erpl70@holyrood.ed.ac.uk>, George Percivall <gpercivall@opengeospatial.org>, craig@rushg.aero.org, scumb@ogf.org All, As part of the upcoming OGC-OGF workshop in Barcelona at OGF-23, I would very much like to get a brief overview talk from (ideally ;-) the SAGA, GridRPC, and HPC-Basic Profile groups. The OGF-23 workshop is being coordinated with the OGC Technical Committee meeting which is taking place the exact same days as OGF-23 but in Potsdam, Germany. Hence, while these overview talks will be presented in Barcelona, their primary audience is intended to be the OGC folks who will be in Potsdam. OGC represents a potential new user community for OGF grid tools so this is an important opportunity. Also, the next OGC Web Services Testbed, OWS-6, is still in the planning process, and what we discuss in this workshop could very well be picked up for testing and demonstration by the OWS-6 sponsors and participants. Please let me know if your group can provide an overview talk. Thanks! --Craig At 12:52 PM -0800 2/29/08, lee@aero.org wrote: All, This request is an action that came out of this week's OGC-OGF Collaboration workshop. OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) has just announced version 1.0 of their Web Processing Service. (I've forwarded the press release below.) I've looked at earlier versions of this document and based on my initial assessments, it seems that WPS could very possibly map to: 1) HPC-Basic Profile (How would WPS work w/ JSDL and BES?) 2) GridRPC (Besides the call-response, could Data Handles be used in WPS?) 3) SAGA (Much like the GridRPC package, could there be a WPS package?) It would be extremely helpful to get others from each of these groups to make their own assessment. WPS is a basic request-response mechanism with only basic support for managing where the data is. Depending on who you ask, ~80% of the data the human race has collected or generated is geospatial referenced. Hence, OGC represents a huge user base for geospatial data and, imho, is a natural adjacency for grids. All insights, issues, and comments are desired! I know that many of us are very busy and simply will not have time to read an 86-page document from beginning to end. But, as with many standards documents, the core of the spec is presented in only about ten pages, with the rest of the doc being necessary detail to clearly define the spec. Hence, pages 4-11 present the WPS overview, and pages 11-48 go into more detail about the three main WPS functions: GetCapability, DescribeProcess, and Execute. Please let me know right away if you can help with this assessment. I'd like to collect comments in a few weeks. Thanks, --Craig Delivered-To: lee@aero.org Delivered-To: lee@ogf.org Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:48:22 -0500 From: OGC Press <announce@opengeospatial.org> Organization: OGC To: tc@opengeospatial.org, pc@opengeospatial.org X-Virus-Status: Clean Subject: [Tc] OGC(R) Approves Web Processing Service Standard X-BeenThere: tc@opengeospatial.org Reply-To: announce@opengeospatial.org List-Id: "The Technical Committee is responsible for all aspects of the formal consensus OGC specification process. " <tc.opengeospatial.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/tc>, <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/private/tc> List-Post: <mailto:tc@opengeospatial.org> List-Help: <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/tc>, <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=subscribe> Sender: tc-bounces+lee=ogf.org@opengeospatial.org PRESS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For information about this announcement, contact: Sam Bacharach Executive Director, Outreach and Community Adoption Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc tel: +1-703-352-3938 sbacharach@opengeospatial.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Wayland, Mass., February 22, 2008 - The members of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) have approved version 1.0 of the OpenGIS(R) Web Processing Service (WPS) Interface Standard. The WPS standard defines an interface that facilitates the publishing of geospatial processes and makes it easier to write software clients that can discover and bind to those processes. Processes include any algorithm, calculation or model that operates on spatially referenced raster or vector data. Publishing means making available machine-readable binding information as well as human-readable metadata that allows service discovery and use. A WPS can be used to define calculations as simple as subtracting one set of spatially referenced data from another (e.g., determining the difference in influenza cases between two different seasons), or as complicated as a hydrological model. The data required by the WPS can be delivered across a network or it can be made available at the server. This interface specification provides mechanisms to identify the spatially referenced data required by the calculation, initiate the calculation, and manage the output from the calculation so that the client can access it. The OGC's WPS standard will play an important role in automating workflows that involve geospatial data and geoprocessing services. The OGC(R) is an international consortium of more than 345 companies, government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial standards. OpenGIS(R) Standards support interoperable solutions that "geo-enable" the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT. OGC Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled. Visit the OGC website at http://www.opengeospatial.org/. _______________________________________________ Tc mailing list Tc@opengeospatial.org https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/tc Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:05-007r7_Web_Process#616217.pdf (PDF /«IC») (00616217) -- HIDEMOTO NAKADA, AIST

I think we should accept and give an overview talk. Thanks, -- Yoshio Tanaka (yoshio.tanaka@aist.go.jp) http://ninf.apgrid.org/ http://www.apgridpma.org/ From: "Hidemoto Nakada" <hide-nakada@aist.go.jp> Subject: [GRIDRPC-WG] Fwd: OGF support for OGC Web Processing Service spec? Date: Wed, 7 May 2008 11:02:54 +0900 Message-ID: <bb196d260805061902o5d9eba97jfc7ce016b0ee8786@mail.gmail.com>
We've got an invitation for a talk at the upcoming OGC-OGF workshop at OGF-23 from Craig, one of the co-chairs.
I think we should give it.
any idea?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <lee@aero.org> Date: Wed, May 7, 2008 at 4:21 AM Subject: Re: OGF support for OGC Web Processing Service spec? To: lee@aero.org, Hidemoto Nakada <hide-nakada@aist.go.jp>, Yves Caniou <yves.caniou@ens-lyon.fr>, s.jha@ucl.ac.uk, kielmann@cs.vu.nl, Andre Merzky <andre@merzky.net>, Andrew Grimshaw <grimshaw@virginia.edu>, Steven Newhouse <Steven.Newhouse@microsoft.com>, humphrey@cs.virginia.edu, Geoffrey Fox <gcf@grids.ucs.indiana.edu>, Christopher Smith <csmith@platform.com> Cc: Satoshi Sekiguchi <s.sekiguchi@aist.go.jp>, Chris Higgins <erpl70@holyrood.ed.ac.uk>, George Percivall <gpercivall@opengeospatial.org>, craig@rushg.aero.org, scumb@ogf.org
As part of the upcoming OGC-OGF workshop in Barcelona at OGF-23, I would very much like to get a brief overview talk from (ideally ;-) the SAGA, GridRPC, and HPC-Basic Profile groups.
The OGF-23 workshop is being coordinated with the OGC Technical Committee meeting which is taking place the exact same days as OGF-23 but in Potsdam, Germany.
Hence, while these overview talks will be presented in Barcelona, their primary audience is intended to be the OGC folks who will be in Potsdam.
OGC represents a potential new user community for OGF grid tools so this is an important opportunity. Also, the next OGC Web Services Testbed, OWS-6, is still in the planning process, and what we discuss in this workshop could very well be picked up for testing and demonstration by the OWS-6 sponsors and participants.
Please let me know if your group can provide an overview talk.
At 12:52 PM -0800 2/29/08, lee@aero.org wrote: All,
This request is an action that came out of this week's OGC-OGF Collaboration workshop.
OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) has just announced version 1.0 of their Web Processing Service. (I've forwarded the press release below.) I've looked at earlier versions of this document and based on my initial assessments, it seems that WPS could very possibly map to:
1) HPC-Basic Profile (How would WPS work w/ JSDL and BES?) 2) GridRPC (Besides the call-response, could Data Handles be used in WPS?) 3) SAGA (Much like the GridRPC package, could there be a WPS package?)
It would be extremely helpful to get others from each of these groups to make their own assessment. WPS is a basic request-response mechanism with only basic support for managing where the data is. Depending on who you ask, ~80% of the data the human race has collected or generated is geospatial referenced. Hence, OGC represents a huge user base for geospatial data and, imho, is a natural adjacency for grids. All insights, issues, and comments are desired!
I know that many of us are very busy and simply will not have time to read an 86-page document from beginning to end. But, as with many standards documents, the core of the spec is presented in only about ten pages, with the rest of the doc being necessary detail to clearly define the spec. Hence, pages 4-11 present the WPS overview, and pages 11-48 go into more detail about the three main WPS functions: GetCapability, DescribeProcess, and Execute.
Please let me know right away if you can help with this assessment. I'd like to collect comments in a few weeks.
Delivered-To: lee@aero.org Delivered-To: lee@ogf.org Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:48:22 -0500 From: OGC Press <announce@opengeospatial.org> Organization: OGC To: tc@opengeospatial.org, pc@opengeospatial.org X-Virus-Status: Clean Subject: [Tc] OGC(R) Approves Web Processing Service Standard X-BeenThere: tc@opengeospatial.org Reply-To: announce@opengeospatial.org List-Id: "The Technical Committee is responsible for all aspects of the formal consensus OGC specification process. " <tc.opengeospatial.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/tc>, <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/private/tc> List-Post: <mailto:tc@opengeospatial.org> List-Help: <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/tc>, <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=subscribe> Sender: tc-bounces+lee=ogf.org@opengeospatial.org
PRESS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For information about this announcement, contact:
Sam Bacharach Executive Director, Outreach and Community Adoption Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc tel: +1-703-352-3938 sbacharach@opengeospatial.org
Wayland, Mass., February 22, 2008 - The members of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) have approved version 1.0 of the OpenGIS(R) Web Processing Service (WPS) Interface Standard.
The WPS standard defines an interface that facilitates the publishing of geospatial processes and makes it easier to write software clients that can discover and bind to those processes. Processes include any algorithm, calculation or model that operates on spatially referenced raster or vector data. Publishing means making available machine-readable binding information as well as human-readable metadata that allows service discovery and use.
A WPS can be used to define calculations as simple as subtracting one set of spatially referenced data from another (e.g., determining the difference in influenza cases between two different seasons), or as complicated as a hydrological model. The data required by the WPS can be delivered across a network or it can be made available at the server. This interface specification provides mechanisms to identify the spatially referenced data required by the calculation, initiate the calculation, and manage the output from the calculation so that the client can access it.
The OGC's WPS standard will play an important role in automating workflows that involve geospatial data and geoprocessing services.
The OGC(R) is an international consortium of more than 345 companies, government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial standards. OpenGIS(R) Standards support interoperable solutions that "geo-enable" the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT. OGC Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled. Visit the OGC website at http://www.opengeospatial.org/.
_______________________________________________ Tc mailing list Tc@opengeospatial.org https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/tc
Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:05-007r7_Web_Process#616217.pdf (PDF /«IC») (00616217)
-- HIDEMOTO NAKADA, AIST -- gridrpc-wg mailing list gridrpc-wg@ogf.org http://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/gridrpc-wg

Sure, good idea. Le 8 mai 08 à 19:38, Yoshio Tanaka a écrit :
I think we should accept and give an overview talk.
-- Yoshio Tanaka (yoshio.tanaka@aist.go.jp) http://ninf.apgrid.org/ http://www.apgridpma.org/
From: "Hidemoto Nakada" <hide-nakada@aist.go.jp> Subject: [GRIDRPC-WG] Fwd: OGF support for OGC Web Processing Service spec? Date: Wed, 7 May 2008 11:02:54 +0900 Message-ID: <bb196d260805061902o5d9eba97jfc7ce016b0ee8786@mail.gmail.com
We've got an invitation for a talk at the upcoming OGC-OGF workshop at OGF-23 from Craig, one of the co-chairs.
I think we should give it.
any idea?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <lee@aero.org> Date: Wed, May 7, 2008 at 4:21 AM Subject: Re: OGF support for OGC Web Processing Service spec? To: lee@aero.org, Hidemoto Nakada <hide-nakada@aist.go.jp>, Yves Caniou <yves.caniou@ens-lyon.fr>, s.jha@ucl.ac.uk, kielmann@cs.vu.nl, Andre Merzky <andre@merzky.net>, Andrew Grimshaw <grimshaw@virginia.edu>, Steven Newhouse <Steven.Newhouse@microsoft.com>, humphrey@cs.virginia.edu, Geoffrey Fox <gcf@grids.ucs.indiana.edu>, Christopher Smith <csmith@platform.com> Cc: Satoshi Sekiguchi <s.sekiguchi@aist.go.jp>, Chris Higgins <erpl70@holyrood.ed.ac.uk>, George Percivall <gpercivall@opengeospatial.org>, craig@rushg.aero.org, scumb@ogf.org
As part of the upcoming OGC-OGF workshop in Barcelona at OGF-23, I would very much like to get a brief overview talk from (ideally ;-) the SAGA, GridRPC, and HPC-Basic Profile groups.
The OGF-23 workshop is being coordinated with the OGC Technical Committee meeting which is taking place the exact same days as OGF-23 but in Potsdam, Germany.
Hence, while these overview talks will be presented in Barcelona, their primary audience is intended to be the OGC folks who will be in Potsdam.
OGC represents a potential new user community for OGF grid tools so this is an important opportunity. Also, the next OGC Web Services Testbed, OWS-6, is still in the planning process, and what we discuss in this workshop could very well be picked up for testing and demonstration by the OWS-6 sponsors and participants.
Please let me know if your group can provide an overview talk.
At 12:52 PM -0800 2/29/08, lee@aero.org wrote: All,
This request is an action that came out of this week's OGC-OGF Collaboration workshop.
OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) has just announced version 1.0 of their Web Processing Service. (I've forwarded the press release below.) I've looked at earlier versions of this document and based on my initial assessments, it seems that WPS could very possibly map to:
1) HPC-Basic Profile (How would WPS work w/ JSDL and BES?) 2) GridRPC (Besides the call-response, could Data Handles be used in WPS?) 3) SAGA (Much like the GridRPC package, could there be a WPS package?)
It would be extremely helpful to get others from each of these groups to make their own assessment. WPS is a basic request-response mechanism with only basic support for managing where the data is. Depending on who you ask, ~80% of the data the human race has collected or generated is geospatial referenced. Hence, OGC represents a huge user base for geospatial data and, imho, is a natural adjacency for grids. All insights, issues, and comments are desired!
I know that many of us are very busy and simply will not have time to read an 86-page document from beginning to end. But, as with many standards documents, the core of the spec is presented in only about ten pages, with the rest of the doc being necessary detail to clearly define the spec. Hence, pages 4-11 present the WPS overview, and pages 11-48 go into more detail about the three main WPS functions: GetCapability, DescribeProcess, and Execute.
Please let me know right away if you can help with this assessment. I'd like to collect comments in a few weeks.
Delivered-To: lee@aero.org Delivered-To: lee@ogf.org Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:48:22 -0500 From: OGC Press <announce@opengeospatial.org> Organization: OGC To: tc@opengeospatial.org, pc@opengeospatial.org X-Virus-Status: Clean Subject: [Tc] OGC(R) Approves Web Processing Service Standard X-BeenThere: tc@opengeospatial.org Reply-To: announce@opengeospatial.org List-Id: "The Technical Committee is responsible for all aspects of the formal consensus OGC specification process. " <tc.opengeospatial.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/tc
, <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/private/tc> List-Post: <mailto:tc@opengeospatial.org> List-Help: <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/ tc>, <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=subscribe> Sender: tc-bounces+lee=ogf.org@opengeospatial.org
PRESS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For information about this announcement, contact:
Sam Bacharach Executive Director, Outreach and Community Adoption Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc tel: +1-703-352-3938 sbacharach@opengeospatial.org
Wayland, Mass., February 22, 2008 - The members of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) have approved version 1.0 of the OpenGIS(R) Web Processing Service (WPS) Interface Standard.
The WPS standard defines an interface that facilitates the publishing of geospatial processes and makes it easier to write software clients that can discover and bind to those processes. Processes include any algorithm, calculation or model that operates on spatially referenced raster or vector data. Publishing means making available machine-readable binding information as well as human-readable metadata that allows service discovery and use.
A WPS can be used to define calculations as simple as subtracting one set of spatially referenced data from another (e.g., determining the difference in influenza cases between two different seasons), or as complicated as a hydrological model. The data required by the WPS can be delivered across a network or it can be made available at the server. This interface specification provides mechanisms to identify the spatially referenced data required by the calculation, initiate the calculation, and manage the output from the calculation so that the client can access it.
The OGC's WPS standard will play an important role in automating workflows that involve geospatial data and geoprocessing services.
The OGC(R) is an international consortium of more than 345 companies, government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial standards. OpenGIS(R) Standards support interoperable solutions that "geo-enable" the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT. OGC Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled. Visit the OGC website at http://www.opengeospatial.org/.
_______________________________________________ Tc mailing list Tc@opengeospatial.org https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/tc
Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:05-007r7_Web_Process#616217.pdf (PDF /«IC») (00616217)
-- HIDEMOTO NAKADA, AIST -- gridrpc-wg mailing list gridrpc-wg@ogf.org http://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/gridrpc-wg
-- gridrpc-wg mailing list gridrpc-wg@ogf.org http://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/gridrpc-wg

All, Thank you for your response. Let us give a talk. The problem is ' who?' :) Volunteer ? - Hidemoto On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 11:44 PM, Desprez Frédéric <Frederic.Desprez@ens-lyon.fr> wrote:
Sure, good idea.
Le 8 mai 08 à 19:38, Yoshio Tanaka a écrit :
I think we should accept and give an overview talk.
-- Yoshio Tanaka (yoshio.tanaka@aist.go.jp) http://ninf.apgrid.org/ http://www.apgridpma.org/
From: "Hidemoto Nakada" <hide-nakada@aist.go.jp> Subject: [GRIDRPC-WG] Fwd: OGF support for OGC Web Processing Service spec? Date: Wed, 7 May 2008 11:02:54 +0900 Message-ID: <bb196d260805061902o5d9eba97jfc7ce016b0ee8786@mail.gmail.com
We've got an invitation for a talk at the upcoming OGC-OGF workshop at OGF-23 from Craig, one of the co-chairs.
I think we should give it.
any idea?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <lee@aero.org> Date: Wed, May 7, 2008 at 4:21 AM Subject: Re: OGF support for OGC Web Processing Service spec? To: lee@aero.org, Hidemoto Nakada <hide-nakada@aist.go.jp>, Yves Caniou <yves.caniou@ens-lyon.fr>, s.jha@ucl.ac.uk, kielmann@cs.vu.nl, Andre Merzky <andre@merzky.net>, Andrew Grimshaw <grimshaw@virginia.edu>, Steven Newhouse <Steven.Newhouse@microsoft.com>, humphrey@cs.virginia.edu, Geoffrey Fox <gcf@grids.ucs.indiana.edu>, Christopher Smith <csmith@platform.com> Cc: Satoshi Sekiguchi <s.sekiguchi@aist.go.jp>, Chris Higgins <erpl70@holyrood.ed.ac.uk>, George Percivall <gpercivall@opengeospatial.org>, craig@rushg.aero.org, scumb@ogf.org
As part of the upcoming OGC-OGF workshop in Barcelona at OGF-23, I would very much like to get a brief overview talk from (ideally ;-) the SAGA, GridRPC, and HPC-Basic Profile groups.
The OGF-23 workshop is being coordinated with the OGC Technical Committee meeting which is taking place the exact same days as OGF-23 but in Potsdam, Germany.
Hence, while these overview talks will be presented in Barcelona, their primary audience is intended to be the OGC folks who will be in Potsdam.
OGC represents a potential new user community for OGF grid tools so this is an important opportunity. Also, the next OGC Web Services Testbed, OWS-6, is still in the planning process, and what we discuss in this workshop could very well be picked up for testing and demonstration by the OWS-6 sponsors and participants.
Please let me know if your group can provide an overview talk.
At 12:52 PM -0800 2/29/08, lee@aero.org wrote: All,
This request is an action that came out of this week's OGC-OGF Collaboration workshop.
OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) has just announced version 1.0 of their Web Processing Service. (I've forwarded the press release below.) I've looked at earlier versions of this document and based on my initial assessments, it seems that WPS could very possibly map to:
1) HPC-Basic Profile (How would WPS work w/ JSDL and BES?) 2) GridRPC (Besides the call-response, could Data Handles be used in WPS?) 3) SAGA (Much like the GridRPC package, could there be a WPS package?)
It would be extremely helpful to get others from each of these groups to make their own assessment. WPS is a basic request-response mechanism with only basic support for managing where the data is. Depending on who you ask, ~80% of the data the human race has collected or generated is geospatial referenced. Hence, OGC represents a huge user base for geospatial data and, imho, is a natural adjacency for grids. All insights, issues, and comments are desired!
I know that many of us are very busy and simply will not have time to read an 86-page document from beginning to end. But, as with many standards documents, the core of the spec is presented in only about ten pages, with the rest of the doc being necessary detail to clearly define the spec. Hence, pages 4-11 present the WPS overview, and pages 11-48 go into more detail about the three main WPS functions: GetCapability, DescribeProcess, and Execute.
Please let me know right away if you can help with this assessment. I'd like to collect comments in a few weeks.
Delivered-To: lee@aero.org Delivered-To: lee@ogf.org Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:48:22 -0500 From: OGC Press <announce@opengeospatial.org> Organization: OGC To: tc@opengeospatial.org, pc@opengeospatial.org X-Virus-Status: Clean Subject: [Tc] OGC(R) Approves Web Processing Service Standard X-BeenThere: tc@opengeospatial.org Reply-To: announce@opengeospatial.org List-Id: "The Technical Committee is responsible for all aspects of the formal consensus OGC specification process. " <tc.opengeospatial.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/tc
, <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/private/tc> List-Post: <mailto:tc@opengeospatial.org> List-Help: <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/ tc>, <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=subscribe> Sender: tc-bounces+lee=ogf.org@opengeospatial.org
PRESS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For information about this announcement, contact:
Sam Bacharach Executive Director, Outreach and Community Adoption Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc tel: +1-703-352-3938 sbacharach@opengeospatial.org
Wayland, Mass., February 22, 2008 - The members of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) have approved version 1.0 of the OpenGIS(R) Web Processing Service (WPS) Interface Standard.
The WPS standard defines an interface that facilitates the publishing of geospatial processes and makes it easier to write software clients that can discover and bind to those processes. Processes include any algorithm, calculation or model that operates on spatially referenced raster or vector data. Publishing means making available machine-readable binding information as well as human-readable metadata that allows service discovery and use.
A WPS can be used to define calculations as simple as subtracting one set of spatially referenced data from another (e.g., determining the difference in influenza cases between two different seasons), or as complicated as a hydrological model. The data required by the WPS can be delivered across a network or it can be made available at the server. This interface specification provides mechanisms to identify the spatially referenced data required by the calculation, initiate the calculation, and manage the output from the calculation so that the client can access it.
The OGC's WPS standard will play an important role in automating workflows that involve geospatial data and geoprocessing services.
The OGC(R) is an international consortium of more than 345 companies, government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial standards. OpenGIS(R) Standards support interoperable solutions that "geo-enable" the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT. OGC Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled. Visit the OGC website at http://www.opengeospatial.org/.
_______________________________________________ Tc mailing list Tc@opengeospatial.org https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/tc
Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:05-007r7_Web_Process#616217.pdf (PDF /«IC») (00616217)
-- HIDEMOTO NAKADA, AIST -- gridrpc-wg mailing list gridrpc-wg@ogf.org http://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/gridrpc-wg
-- gridrpc-wg mailing list gridrpc-wg@ogf.org http://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/gridrpc-wg
-- gridrpc-wg mailing list gridrpc-wg@ogf.org http://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/gridrpc-wg

Dear Hidemoto, We can help you for slides. It could be Part 1. Grid-RPC overview (basic and with data management) Part 2. the overview of few Grid-RPC middleware. Ninf, NetSolve/GridSolve, DIET, Omni-RPC How many time ? Regards, Eddy Le 7 mai 08 à 04:02, Hidemoto Nakada a écrit :
We've got an invitation for a talk at the upcoming OGC-OGF workshop at OGF-23 from Craig, one of the co-chairs.
I think we should give it.
any idea?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <lee@aero.org> Date: Wed, May 7, 2008 at 4:21 AM Subject: Re: OGF support for OGC Web Processing Service spec? To: lee@aero.org, Hidemoto Nakada <hide-nakada@aist.go.jp>, Yves Caniou <yves.caniou@ens-lyon.fr>, s.jha@ucl.ac.uk, kielmann@cs.vu.nl, Andre Merzky <andre@merzky.net>, Andrew Grimshaw <grimshaw@virginia.edu>, Steven Newhouse <Steven.Newhouse@microsoft.com>, humphrey@cs.virginia.edu, Geoffrey Fox <gcf@grids.ucs.indiana.edu>, Christopher Smith <csmith@platform.com> Cc: Satoshi Sekiguchi <s.sekiguchi@aist.go.jp>, Chris Higgins <erpl70@holyrood.ed.ac.uk>, George Percivall <gpercivall@opengeospatial.org>, craig@rushg.aero.org, scumb@ogf.org
As part of the upcoming OGC-OGF workshop in Barcelona at OGF-23, I would very much like to get a brief overview talk from (ideally ;-) the SAGA, GridRPC, and HPC-Basic Profile groups.
The OGF-23 workshop is being coordinated with the OGC Technical Committee meeting which is taking place the exact same days as OGF-23 but in Potsdam, Germany.
Hence, while these overview talks will be presented in Barcelona, their primary audience is intended to be the OGC folks who will be in Potsdam.
OGC represents a potential new user community for OGF grid tools so this is an important opportunity. Also, the next OGC Web Services Testbed, OWS-6, is still in the planning process, and what we discuss in this workshop could very well be picked up for testing and demonstration by the OWS-6 sponsors and participants.
Please let me know if your group can provide an overview talk.
At 12:52 PM -0800 2/29/08, lee@aero.org wrote: All,
This request is an action that came out of this week's OGC-OGF Collaboration workshop.
OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) has just announced version 1.0 of their Web Processing Service. (I've forwarded the press release below.) I've looked at earlier versions of this document and based on my initial assessments, it seems that WPS could very possibly map to:
1) HPC-Basic Profile (How would WPS work w/ JSDL and BES?) 2) GridRPC (Besides the call-response, could Data Handles be used in WPS?) 3) SAGA (Much like the GridRPC package, could there be a WPS package?)
It would be extremely helpful to get others from each of these groups to make their own assessment. WPS is a basic request-response mechanism with only basic support for managing where the data is. Depending on who you ask, ~80% of the data the human race has collected or generated is geospatial referenced. Hence, OGC represents a huge user base for geospatial data and, imho, is a natural adjacency for grids. All insights, issues, and comments are desired!
I know that many of us are very busy and simply will not have time to read an 86-page document from beginning to end. But, as with many standards documents, the core of the spec is presented in only about ten pages, with the rest of the doc being necessary detail to clearly define the spec. Hence, pages 4-11 present the WPS overview, and pages 11-48 go into more detail about the three main WPS functions: GetCapability, DescribeProcess, and Execute.
Please let me know right away if you can help with this assessment. I'd like to collect comments in a few weeks.
Delivered-To: lee@aero.org Delivered-To: lee@ogf.org Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:48:22 -0500 From: OGC Press <announce@opengeospatial.org> Organization: OGC To: tc@opengeospatial.org, pc@opengeospatial.org X-Virus-Status: Clean Subject: [Tc] OGC(R) Approves Web Processing Service Standard X-BeenThere: tc@opengeospatial.org Reply-To: announce@opengeospatial.org List-Id: "The Technical Committee is responsible for all aspects of the formal consensus OGC specification process. " <tc.opengeospatial.org> List-Unsubscribe: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/ tc>, <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/private/tc> List-Post: <mailto:tc@opengeospatial.org> List-Help: <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=help> List-Subscribe: <https://mail.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/tc>, <mailto:tc-request@opengeospatial.org?subject=subscribe> Sender: tc-bounces+lee=ogf.org@opengeospatial.org
PRESS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For information about this announcement, contact:
Sam Bacharach Executive Director, Outreach and Community Adoption Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc tel: +1-703-352-3938 sbacharach@opengeospatial.org
Wayland, Mass., February 22, 2008 - The members of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) have approved version 1.0 of the OpenGIS(R) Web Processing Service (WPS) Interface Standard.
The WPS standard defines an interface that facilitates the publishing of geospatial processes and makes it easier to write software clients that can discover and bind to those processes. Processes include any algorithm, calculation or model that operates on spatially referenced raster or vector data. Publishing means making available machine-readable binding information as well as human-readable metadata that allows service discovery and use.
A WPS can be used to define calculations as simple as subtracting one set of spatially referenced data from another (e.g., determining the difference in influenza cases between two different seasons), or as complicated as a hydrological model. The data required by the WPS can be delivered across a network or it can be made available at the server. This interface specification provides mechanisms to identify the spatially referenced data required by the calculation, initiate the calculation, and manage the output from the calculation so that the client can access it.
The OGC's WPS standard will play an important role in automating workflows that involve geospatial data and geoprocessing services.
The OGC(R) is an international consortium of more than 345 companies, government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial standards. OpenGIS(R) Standards support interoperable solutions that "geo-enable" the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT. OGC Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled. Visit the OGC website at http://www.opengeospatial.org/.
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Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:05-007r7_Web_Process#616217.pdf (PDF /«IC») (00616217)
-- HIDEMOTO NAKADA, AIST -- gridrpc-wg mailing list gridrpc-wg@ogf.org http://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/gridrpc-wg
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eddy Caron. Mcf ENS Lyon ENS Lyon - LIP - Projet GRAAL 46 Allee d'Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France E-Mail : Eddy.Caron@ens-lyon.fr [ Tel : ][ Web page : http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/~ecaron ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (4)
Desprez Frédéric
Eddy Caron
Hidemoto Nakada
Yoshio Tanaka