Dear all,

Due to too many parallel sessions (we was in conflict with Cloud session and one around the data management) the GridRPC meeting was very poor. 

But the SAGA session was very fruitful. We continue the collaboration with GridRPC WG and SAGA WG with a concrete roadmap. We have discussed with Andre Merzky and we plan to update the current GridRPC implementation with the data management feature. 

The todo list for the GridRPC WG should be the following 

OGF'26: We conclude the document and we plan to  give at least two talks one about this API and the second talks about how we have implemented in DIET (by Gaël Le Mahec) and Ninf (by Hidemoto Nakda). 
OGF'27: We will present the SAGA/GridRPC (with DM) interface and we plan to provide an implementation of it. 

Best regards,


Eddy Caron. Mcf ENS Lyon 

ENS Lyon - LIP - Projet GRAAL 

46 Allee d'Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France

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