- The RPC spec is silent about 'when' the connection to the remote server is made, on creation of the handle, or on call(). We decided in other parts of the spec that, for example, the constructor opens a file, or remote connection. I propose to prescribe the same for RPC. Does that make sense? Do we need to loosen the semantics elsewhere in the spec? (IMHO not).
I am afraid, doing so would impose restrictions on the underlying gridrpc implementations. some of them might not meet them, but would still be useful if SAGA could access them.
What you really would have in mind is a test "can execute" of the procedure? I am not sure if the constructor could aalready give a comprehensive answer???
Hidemot, Yusuke, any ideas ???
In case of the GridRPC, when the connection to the remote server is made is free for each implementation. In the constructor, the server will be certainly assigned for the RPC. The connection for data transfer may be established in the constructor (Ninf-G) or may be done in rpc.call (GridSolve). ----------------------------------------------------- Yusuke Tanimura <yusuke.tanimura@aist.go.jp> Grid Technology Research Center, National Institute of AIST 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba Central 2 Tsukuba City 305-8568, Japan TEL: +81-29-862-6703 / FAX: +81-29-862-6601