Dear Yusuke Tanimura,

I give to you some news. To check the interoperability with standard-test I rewrote some structure and updated some functions due to internal problem from how we wrote the grpc_function_handle_t structure. In your gridRPC implementation 5 functions are missing at this time. 


If you can wait again few time, I finish these functions and we can add a third middleware in your document. 

Best regards,

Le 7 juin 06 à 08:03, Yusuke Tanimura a écrit :

Dear all,

Yusuke provided us client source code to test the interoperability.
it is now on the forge at the following URL.

He will also upload the revised document soon.
We will wait for 2 weeks for comments and will submit it to the committee.

I am not sure when the upgrade of GGF's Gridforge will be completed.
So, I will attach the revised document for the interoperability test to this email,
to save our time.  After the upgrade, I will put the document on the repository
and if the URL of the code changes, I will modify the document, too.

Any comments for the document will be appreciated.


Yusuke Tanimura <>
Grid Technology Research Center, National Institute of AIST
1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba Central 2
Tsukuba City 305-8568, Japan
TEL: +81-29-862-6703  / FAX: +81-29-862-6601


Eddy Caron. Mcf ENS Lyon 

ENS Lyon - LIP - Projet GRAAL 

46 Allee d'Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France

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