We discussed with Yves Caniou about this document and I merged all our comments. I use the following syntaxe
- Green color for comments or questions - Blue color for what I have added
Thank you, Eddy and Yves. I reflected blue color part, and some of the following into the recharter document because it seems there is no objection to them. I will send another email for other issues. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Definition of a specific data structure to be used for GridRPC arguments in middleware, e.g., a stack, a vector, etc. Comment from DIET team: During the two last OGF we discussed about a new structure for data management and we seemed agree to validate the current document with few update given by the Japanese team. But the new structure works without the vector. In this Charter we could remove the "e.g., a stack, a vector, etc." until we finish the current discussion. Action: Removed "e.g., a stack, a vector, etc." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Definition of a "grpc_arg" data type, if necessary. Comment from DIET team: with Andree and Hidemoto, at the last OGF it was clear that it's necessary. We should remove the "if necessary", to be used in conjunction with the argument data structure. Action: Removed "if necessary." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A GridRPC Model and API for Middleware Developers Comment from DIET team: We have a little problem with this title. If we talk about the same document, means the API with more functionalities as data management. It's an extended version of the GridRPC Model and API or expert version or version 2.0 as you wish. But why GridRPC users can not use this API ? It's not clear for us. If we talk about the same document why you don't keep the title "Data Management API within the GridRPC" ? Action: Changed the title to "Data Management API within the GridRPC." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Yusuke Tanimura <yusuke.tanimura@aist.go.jp> Information Technology Research Institute, AIST 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba Central 2 Tsukuba City 305-8568, Japan TEL: +81-29-862-6703 / FAX: +81-29-862-6601