I was surprised that this document no mention of SAGA... I understood there was work going on to integrate the two APIs together at some level... or at least to utilise the SAGA 'look and feel' in future GridRPC work?
Dr Steven Newhouse
EGEE Technical Director
http://cern.ch/Steven.Newhouse-----Original Message-----From: gridrpc-wg-bounces@ogf.org [mailto:gridrpc-wg-bounces@ogf.org] OnBehalf Of Gaël Le MahecSent: 18 February 2009 16:10To: Mailing List for GRIDRPC-WGSubject: [GRIDRPC-WG] New version of the documentHello,here is the new version of the API proposal. Please feel free tosend any remark about it on the mailing list.Best regards,G. Le Mahec.
gridrpc-wg mailing list
Eddy Caron. Mcf ENS Lyon
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