I'd like to understand the purpose of the config file better, so I have a couple of questions. I found the config-file section in the Ninf-G user manual.
What is the general idea of the config file? To me it sounds like it configures the (client side) backend, not the API - would that not better be hidden in some ~/.ninfgrc or so?
Are there many values which are intended to change from one application run to the next?
yes. the configuration file cannot be shared by all the applications. we found that configuration files are really handy. It could be hidden like $(PWD)/.ninfgrc .
The GridSolve user guide is silent about the config file structure - is it the same as in Ninf-G?
No. it is totally implementation dependent.
If not, how does GridSolve handle the client side configuration?
I have no idea. my colleague Yusuke might know the answer for your question. # He was working for Jack for one year.
PS.: as a side note, we do have the above form of RPC included in our saga reference implementation. However, it does not yet forward the calls to a NinfG or GridSolve adaptor. If anyone in this group has interest in connecting the reference implementation to a real GridRPC backend, please let us know :-) We do have an java implementation for Ninf-G client. if your SAGA reference implementation is Globus-based and written in Java, it will be relatively easy to make it Ninf-G aware.
We write the reference implementation in C++ - so its even simplier I think :-)