Sorry for the crosspost. --------------------------------- Hi all, please note that two OGF SAGA documents entered public comment recently: - Experiences with Implementing the SAGA Core API (EXP) http://www.ogf.org/gf/docs/comment.php?id=339 - SAGA API Extension: Advert API (P-REC) http://www.ogf.org/gf/docs/comment.php?id=338 We would appreciate any comments to those documents, even if they are simple ones like "read the documents and agree with the findings" or "read the documents and could not make sense of section 1.2" etc. In particular comments to the first document will help us to move the SAGA Core API specification to Recommendation status, so comments are in particular appreciated here. The second document, the Advert API extension, is in our opinion also quite interesting, as it enables and supports a large set of distributed application use cases in a simple and elegant way. Thanks, and best regards, Andre. -- Nothing is ever easy.