Dear Hidemoto and all, Do you have an idea of the next schedule for the OGF. What do you think about to give two talk around DIET and Ninf very close to the previous one introduced during SC'09 at the AIST booth. Around the recent development about the Cloud computing. And we can open the discussion about if it's relevant to extend the API to a Cloud parameters ? Another proposal, we can give a talk about the integration of the Grid-RPC with data management and SAGA. Another proposal we can design the document about the Grid-RPC data management interoperability. Anybody have another idea or remarks ? Best Regards, Eddy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eddy Caron. Mcf ENS Lyon ENS Lyon - LIP - Projet GRAAL 46 Allee d'Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France E-Mail : Eddy.Caron@ens-lyon.fr [ Tel : ][ Web page : http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/~ecaron ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------