new version (based on the current activity)
Group Chair(s): Eddy Caron, Hidemoto Nakada
Group Secretary(s): Yves Caniou, Yusuke Tanimura
It could be great to have someone from GridSolve or more relevant from SmartGriRPC ? Anybody from UTK ?
Then Keith are you ok to continue to be invilved in the Group Chair ?
Yoshio Tanaka is ok to continue to be involved in the Group Secretary ?
Yves are you ok to become an official member of the Group Secretary, because you did that unofficially since a long time
The Group Description and Group Focus and Scope must be updated too. Any inputs are welcome. I will add some information about the recent development around data management.
Eddy Caron. Mcf HDR ENS Lyon
ENS Lyon - LIP - Projet GRAAL/Avalon
46 Allee d'Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France
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