Dear All, To make fast, I put the last version of the document in http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/~ycaniou/GridRPC/ -> http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/~ycaniou/GridRPC/GRPC_Data-0.8.pdf Soon, this will be available on the forge... The changelog is: *Added GRPC_STRING, GRPC_FILE types * Put protocols in lower caps * Keyword "LOCAL_MEMORY" is now "memory" * Added section specific to type and mode: - for mapping function (for the memory protocol) - for the container management There is still work to do at least on error management. Best Regards. .Yves. -- Yves Caniou Associate Professor at Université Lyon 1, Member of the team project INRIA GRAAL, LIP / ENS-Lyon 46 Allée d'Italie 69364 LYON Cedex 07 tel: +33 4 37 28 76 48 http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/~ycaniou/