Dear all,
Attend the DIET Special Event at SC'11 with ... the new release of DIET
DIET 'SC11' Release 2.8 and tools are now available on the DIET Web Site:
Visit INRIA booth #127 and SysFera booth #4211 at SC'11
1. What's new in DIET 'SC11' 2.8 ?
* Features:
- New forwarders: they do not need a configuration file anymore, and they can be started at any time.
- CORBA calls are more robust: Two handlers for communication failures and transient exceptions have been added.
- a new tool has been introduced: dietObjects. It mimics the behavior of nameclt, but restricted to DIET CORBA objects.
- dietObjects also shows which object is managed by which forwarder (or through which forwarder an object is accessible).
* Compilation
- DIET now requires Boost to compile.
- removed dependency towards libuuid, we now use Boost UUID instead
- endianness is now managed with Boost
- replaced usage of fnmatch by boost:regex
- intermediary libraries are not installed anymore
* Source code organization:
- we now use a modified version of cpplint (
for checking our code against our coding standards.
- we removed all deprecated code and documentation:
- JXTA: was used to build a multi-MA hierarchy using a P2P approach
- DTM: the former data manager
- JUXMEM: was a P2P data manager used in conjunction with DTM
- FD: fault detector
- FAST: performance evaluation plugin
- TAU: a code profiler
- old CVS headers have been removed and replaced by Doxygen headers
- move FWorkflow.dtd from /etc to /usr/share/diet since it's application data (accordingly to FHS)
* List of available packages
- Debian 'Sid'
- Fedora 16
- Fedora 15
* Bug Fix:
- Forwarders now unregister themselves from omniNames when they are shut down properly.
- Forwarders can be launched after any DIET element
- To avoid problems when a file managed by DAGDA is modified outside DAGDA, we know compute the files sizes before any transfer.
- Let CMake manage rpath. Thus, you need to explicitly set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.
2. What's new in LogServices 'SC11' 2.8 ?
* Features:
- New forwarders: they do not need a configuration file anymore, and they can be started at any time.
- CORBA calls are more robust: Two handlers for communication failures and transient exceptions have been added.
* Source code organization:
- we now use a modified version of cpplint (
for checking our code against our coding standards.
* List of available packages
- Debian 'Sid'
- Fedora 16
- Fedora 15
* Bug Fix:
- Forwarders now unregister themselves from omniNames when they are shut down properly.
- Forwarders can be launched after LogCentral or a tool.
- Let CMake handle rpath
Eddy Caron. Mcf HDR ENS Lyon
ENS Lyon - LIP - Projet GRAAL
46 Allee d'Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France
E-Mail : Eddy.Caron(a)
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