FYI, Andre.
----- Forwarded message from Dieter Kranzlmueller <dk(a)> -----
> From: Dieter Kranzlmueller <dk(a)>
> To: Steven Newhouse <s.newhouse(a)>, Andre Merzky <merzky(a)>,
> hide-nakada(a), Thilo Kielmann <kielmann(a)>,
> moore(a), aoyagi(a), csmith(a)
> Subject: REMINDER: AppsAreaWorkshop @ GGF17 [TOMORROW, Thursday, May 11, 09:00 G409]
> Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 10:05:47 +0200
> Dear Speakers,
> First of all, thanks for agreeing to give a presentation at the
> Applications Workshop during GGF17 tomorrow.
> Please find attached some last minute information including the below.
> Please help us distribute it to the respective interested parties.
> Looking forward to an interesting workshop,
> Dieter
> ----
> GGF-17 Applications Workshop
> (Tokyo, Japan)
> "Bridging the Divide:
> Community Application Requirements Driving Standards Development"
> Session 1: "Current Status - Development of Standard APIs"
> Chair: Steven Newhouse
> Thursday, May 11, 2006, 09:00-10:30 G409
> * Welcome, Motivation & Goals (Steven Newhouse) [10 min]
> * DRMAA - Distributed Resource Mgnt App API (Andre Merzky) [20 min]
> * GridRPC - Grid Remote Procedure Call (Hidemoto Nakada) [20 min]
> * SAGA - Simple API for Grid Applications (Thilo Kielmann) [20 min]
> * Discussion [20 min]
> Session 2: "Consuming Standards - Current Uses and Future Requirements"
> Chair: Dieter Kranzlmüller
> Thursday, May 11, 2006, 11:00-12:30 G409
> * Summary of Session 1 and Intro to Session 2 (Dieter Kranzlmüller) [10 min]
> * Astronomical Grid Community (Reagan Moore) [20 min]
> * NAREGI - National Research Grid Initiative (Mutsumi Aoyagi) [20 min]
> * Grid Application Integration (Chris Smith) [20 min]
> * Discussion [20 min]
> Session Summary:
> This workshop will provide a showcase of standards and community activity
> within GGF by bringing together groups in three different areas (Standards
> Applications, Community Industry Applications & Community Research
> Applications). Through a series of presentations we will show the current
> state of the standards activity and critically the current barriers to
> pervasive adoption as perceived by the consuming user community. Finally, a
> panel session will help to define areas of collaboration and potentially new
> areas for standards development.
> Session Description:
> GGF has an active standards and community areas focusing on engagement with
> application developers and tool builders in research and industry. For these
> separate areas to work effectively we need to build a relationship where the
> APIs being developed within the standards area are relevant to the research
> and industry consumers, and in turn the application and tool builders are
> communicating to the standards area their requirements in terms of stable
> defined interfaces.
> With the greater emphasis on GGF's redefined standards and community
> functions, and the factorization of the standards area into having an
> 'umbrella' research group to drive the coordinated development of a set of
> consistent APIs across several working groups, there is a need to establish
> the communication links between the standards and community areas for
> Applications.
> This workshop, hopefully the first of many, will start to establish the
> communication links and provide a showcase as to the current state of the
> standards development and the current priorities for application and tool
> development in industry and research. In addition, it will provide a general
> dissemination mechanism of activity to developers and users (both critical
> consumers in terms of achieving pervasive grid adoption) and the wider GGF
> community as to activity in the standards and community areas.
> Session Leaders:
> Dieter Kranzlmueller, Steven Newhouse, Thilo Kielmann, Craig Lee
----- End forwarded message -----
"So much time, so little to do..." -- Garfield