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Karl's Draft https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/graap-wg/document/WS-AgreementSpecificationDraft.doc/en/12
Comment-ID Title Posted By Status Resolution/Discussion
2 Minor comments & asynchronous operations[ Reply ] Takuya Araki On discussion Discuss on the mailing-list.
(especially wrt . Having it in the protocol or having it in the bindings)
12 WS-Agreement spec - proposed refactoring Jon MacLaren Resolved? Proposed that the agreement document structure be separated from any of the supporting services/port-types. 
**Action: For at least one first time reader, it seems at the proper granularity. Concern that it will result in "chasing document" if we split it any further though from a purely technical perspective this would be possible and perhaps sound.
15 Use of WS-ResourceProperties Jon MacLaren Being Discussed Our approach will be to support port-types consistent with the convention used in WS-ResourceProperty.
  **Action: Will be re-addressed on the next call.  Also find out what the state of WS-RP is.
18 Inconsistent use of expiration / termination Jon MacLaren Being Discussed Superceded by subsequent discussion on lifecycle which is to
be addressed.
21  comments about Section 7 (run time states)    Tiziana Ferrari Being Discussed Is our state model extensible is an important question.  For example, "Not Ready" is not always a needed state.  What we'd like to do is update the overall state diagram.  We need to introduce an initial state.  Processing is removed as a top-level state, and can be
considered a sub-state of Ready.  Transition from either "Not Ready" or "Ready" to "Completed" is possible.  **Action: update the state
diagram and description text.  Try to find a better word than
"Completed."  **Asit to own the updates.
22 definition of compliance in Section 6    Tiziana Ferrari To Be Discussed  
24 creation contraints and serv. lev. Objectives    Tiziana Ferrari Partially Resolved Discussion: yes, this is what we have done.  **Action: Send request for clarifying e-mail to Tiziana to make sure that we're  understanding the request correctly, ideally pointing to an example in the doc.  Heiko will contact her.
25  Occurance of AssessmentInterval in Comp.Type Heiko Ludwig To Be Discussed  
26  TerminalFault    Tiziana Ferrari    
27 Agreement name optional   Mike Fisher    
28 Consistent approach to Term Compositors   Mike Fisher    
30 Include base objective set for web services Asit Dan    
33  Explain service reference use better Heiko Ludwig    
34 Refining scope of Guarantee Terms Heiko Ludwig    
35 Guarantee terms for best effort systems Heiko Ludwig    
36 Business Value Table Heiko Ludwig    
Other issues being Discussed
1 Signature of Agreement Karl and Jon Being Discussed in the ML This
requires some extensibility on the input and output to the create
agreement operations.  Perhaps already covered in the current
versions.  **Action: Karl to review the current spec. in this area.
2 how to specify the criticality of an
Karl   That is, would an extension have to be processed, or may
it be safely ignored if a provider doesn't understand them.  Is there
a community best-practice alredy in place or needed for this?
4 Creation faults Karl   On creation operation, should we provide some general structure for
  faults (e.g. pointers to failed terms).  We have at least two types
  of fault: could not understand the input, input understood, but not
  able to satisfy where this one could include pointers in to the input
  document plus some extensibility on the cause.This would be a bit
  of a hint, and does not imply anything concrete, or head down the
  slope of negotiation. **Action: this added to the comment list by
  Jim, would like to see a proposal here.
5 Termination Toshi   Is WS-RF
  termination good enough, and the terminate operation could fail or
  be delayed because the agreement is not "completed" yet.  Further
  termination could be done as extension.  We could define an
  extension on the resource lifetime termination operation saying that
  we cannot terminate now because the agreement is on-going.  Do we
  advocate in the spec. that the agreement resource SHOULD live as
  long as the obligations associated with the agreement?  Consensus on
  the list is that this makes sense.