GGF18 Session Scheduling Now Open

GGF Chairs - The next GGF event, GGF18, is coming up and session scheduling is now open! GGF18 will be held in conjunction with GridWorld September 11-14, 2006 in Washington, DC USA. For Group Session Requesting instructions and the link to the request form please go here: The scheduling deadlines are: Draft Documents: - Deadline for submitting working drafts is 11 August, 2006. Session Requests: - Deadline for session requests for a CG, WG or RG is 7 July, 2006 - Deadline for AD Hoc/Charter Discussion BOFs is 7 July, 2006. We anticipate that the schedule will be finalized by the last week in July. Thanks, Joel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Joel Replogle - Manager of Standards, Global Grid Forum
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Joel Replogle