OGF Chairs - Please note that the deadline for submitting session requests for OGF 30 is this Friday, 17 September.  Submit your requests for sessions, including Chartered Group, BoF, Area and workshop requests here:

For BoF or Workshop proposals, suggested topical areas are (though not necessarily limited to these):
Performance Measurement of Grids and Clouds
Federated Distributed Computing Infrastructure
Inter-Cloud Interoperability and SLA management
Science Clouds across North America, Europe and Asia
Campus Grids and Clouds
Identity Management and Virtual Organizations
Security issues and best practices in Grids and Clouds
Data Management in distributed environments



Joel Replogle              Executive Director, OGF
PO Box 1738                T: +1-765-228-9068
Muncie, IN 47308 USA       F: +1-815-927-6284

Upcoming Events: 
OGF30 * October 25-29, 2010 * Brussels * www.ogf.org/OGF30