GGF Chairs - The period for requesting group sessions at GGF18 closes this Friday, 7 July. If you have not already done so, please submit your request for desired group sessions. Please go to the following link for Group Session Requesting instructions and the link to the request form: http://www.ggf.org/ggf_events_next_chairinfo.htm The scheduling deadlines are: Draft Documents: - Deadline for submitting working drafts is 11 August, 2006. Session Requests: - Deadline for session requests for a CG, WG or RG is 7 July, 2006 - Deadline for AD Hoc/Charter Discussion BOFs is 7 July, 2006. We anticipate that the schedule will be finalized by the last week in July. Thanks, Joel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Joel Replogle - Manager of Standards, Global Grid Forum replogle@ggf.org http://www.ggf.org