GGF Chairs - GridWorld/GGF15 is quickly approaching, and we'd like to begin the group session scheduling process. Before we do, however, I want to communicate some policy updates from the GFSG regarding session scheduling. These policies were set after we experienced a record number of session requests at GGF14. To a degree, these policies are consistent with IETF policies for scheduling. The new policy states that groups may request up to two sessions per event. If additional sessions are required, approval from your Area Director must be obtained. Based on an excellent recommendation at the GGF14 Town Hall meeting, we are now offering 45-minute and 90-minute sessions. The Steering Group suggested that you consider using a 45-minute slot for "Presentation" sessions ("outreach" or "education" aimed primarily at tourists), leaving the 90-minute sessions for collaborative work on specifications or other documents ("Group Discussion" sessions). In either case, a 45-minute session is still 1 of your 2 session allotment. In an attempt to simplify the session requesting process, we have built a new web-based interface (outside of GridForge) to collect and manage session requests. Much of the information collected will be the same and you will need to submit a separate request for each session. Please go to the following link for instructions and the link to the new form: http://www.ggf.org/ggf_events_chairinfo_ggf15.htm If you have questions about specific fields on the page, please contact me directly. Requests may be updated after initial submission as information becomes available. However, editing will not be possible after the deadline has passed. The deadlines are: Documents - Deadline for submitting working drafts is Aug 26, 2005. Session - Deadline for session requests for a CG, WG or RG is Sep 2, 2005. - Deadline for AD Hoc/Charter Discussion BOFs is Sep 2, 2005. Please note: Chair Training and Chair Update Sessions will be scheduled soon, and I will let you know once they are. And, as you probably already know, GridWorld/GGF15 will be October 3-6, 2005 in Boston, MA., USA. Note: The majority of group sessions will be scheduled on Monday-Thursday. Some "early-bird" slots are available on Sunday (Oct. 2). I'm looking forward to seeing you at GGF15! Joel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Joel Replogle Standards Facilitator Global Grid Forum replogle@ggf.org