This also goes for the workshop as well in the community track. Satoshi (M) On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 10:57:25 -0500 Joel Replogle <replogle@ggf.org> wrote: replogle> GGF Chairs - replogle> replogle> Time is running short on requesting group sessions for GGF 17. replogle> Please request your group's session(s) as soon as possible! replogle> replogle> GGF17 will be May 10-12, 2006 in Tokyo, Japan. Note that this is a replogle> three-day GGF, instead of our normal four-day event. replogle> replogle> Please go to the following link for Group Session Requesting replogle> instructions and the link to the request form: replogle> http://www.ggf.org/ggf_events_next_chairinfo.htm replogle> replogle> Requests may be updated after initial submission as information (such replogle> as specific agenda) becomes available. Please be aware that the replogle> information supplied on this form is also used for the printed and on- replogle> line schedules. replogle> replogle> The scheduling deadlines are: replogle> replogle> Draft Documents: replogle> - Deadline for submitting working drafts is 31 March, 2006. replogle> Sessions: replogle> - Deadline for session requests for a CG, WG or RG is 17 March, 2006 replogle> - Deadline for AD Hoc/Charter Discussion BOFs is 17 March, 2006. replogle> replogle> The schedule itself will be finalized by the first week in April. replogle> replogle> Thanks, replogle> replogle> Joel replogle> replogle> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ replogle> ----------- replogle> Joel Replogle - Manager of Standards, Global Grid Forum replogle> replogle@ggf.org http://www.ggf.org replogle> Satoshi Matsuoka, Professor Global Scientific Information and Computing Center & Dept. of Mathematical and Computing Sciences Tokyo Institute of Technology Address: 2-12-1 Oo-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552 Japan Tel&fax: +81-3-5734-3876 E-mail: matsu@acm.org, matsu@is.titech.ac.jp