GGF Chairs - As mentioned at the Chairs Update session at GGF16, we have a new web interface for keeping group charters and milestones up to date (called the "Living Charter"). Also, the information in the living charters drives the Roadmap of GGF Standards and gives the Area Directors a view of their areas to identify gaps and opportunities. The Roadmap will both be an up-to- date web document, as well as a document generated by taking a periodic "snap-shot" of the current living charters and vetted through the GGF document process. I am emailing to request all group chairs to fill in their living charters by visiting: http://www.ggf.org/gf/group_info/charter.php Updating this information (particularly the milestones of progress) will become a periodic request prior to each GGF meeting. For this initial request, however, because we are generating a snapshot of the Roadmap of GGF Standards (to be discussed at GGF17), please update the charter information for your group by Friday, 17 March. Thanks, Joel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Joel Replogle - Manager of Standards, Global Grid Forum replogle@ggf.org http://www.ggf.org