GGF Chairs - Time is running short on requesting group sessions for GGF 17. Please request your group's session(s) as soon as possible! GGF17 will be May 10-12, 2006 in Tokyo, Japan. Note that this is a three-day GGF, instead of our normal four-day event. Please go to the following link for Group Session Requesting instructions and the link to the request form: http://www.ggf.org/ggf_events_next_chairinfo.htm Requests may be updated after initial submission as information (such as specific agenda) becomes available. Please be aware that the information supplied on this form is also used for the printed and on- line schedules. The scheduling deadlines are: Draft Documents: - Deadline for submitting working drafts is 31 March, 2006. Sessions: - Deadline for session requests for a CG, WG or RG is 17 March, 2006 - Deadline for AD Hoc/Charter Discussion BOFs is 17 March, 2006. The schedule itself will be finalized by the first week in April. Thanks, Joel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Joel Replogle - Manager of Standards, Global Grid Forum replogle@ggf.org http://www.ggf.org